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Gotta tone the superhero muscle!




What's the heaviest Spinnerette and Mecha Maid can bench press?


Dang they really need to use those proper hero weights! lol also just noticed Heather is wearing her glasses in the first panel. I miss her glasses :3


Wow!!!! Free tickets to the "Gun Show"

Opus the Poet

When lifting separate weights does Heather have much more or is each arm pretty much elite human strength?

Opus the Poet

It's like that episode of Six Million Dollar Man where they did a bionic implant on a paralyzed kid and had the settings too high and gave him too much strength and he was jumping tall fences and other crazy shit because he didn't feel pain when he exceeded his body's limits. I realize that media reference is probably older than most of the Patrons here.

Joe Schmoe

See, *there's* the right Heather build!

Joe Schmoe

Fwiw MM's real power (other than her mega intellect) is actually a form of superstrength, the suit just negates her ALS to a degree

Lex of Excel

They make for very nice gym bunnies~