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By Teora!



House-broken Werewolf

Huh... so she has one of those faces that looks better with glasses.

Nicholas Cordero

You know, we could always introduce her to Heather's old nemesis


Sensational Scorpion lady. 🥰


Is this a new character? Haven't caught up in the comic yet.

Mark Nach

It will be interesting to see how she hides her tail while in disguise.

Opus the Poet

Still trying to figure out how she gets all that into the backpack.

Thomas Theil

Is it intentional that she has 6 fingers and 6 toes?

Opus the Poet

She has eight arms and an enormous tail and you're worried about fingers and toes?

Thomas Theil

Just for curiosity. Usually AI is mixing up the number of toes and fingers but not in such a consistent way.