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Marilyn is way too cute in that crop.



House-broken Werewolf

Remove the thumbs, and she almost makes the pose of that World War woman worker-thing. (Also, good point about the SUV.)


Haha very true, never seen Heather lift a car before. I always wondered how super strong she was. Hope we get like a six armed flex pose like in chapter 1 when Heather’s flexing in the mirror! lol ^^


Definitely want to see how strong Heather is. She's got the best spotter to help her.


Let's keep the thumbs, though, shall we? D: Also, I'm pretty sure Rosie the Riveter had thumbs...


Sorry to say, but after years of seeing her with a normal looking torso, the extra pecks kinda ruins her midriff for me. I understand six arms means she’d have them, but even so. But that’s just my opinion. You don’t have to agree with me. These are your characters after all.