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I'm working on a one-shot of Super MILF's origin, as Ms. Venus! If there's enough interest, I might make it into a spinoff series.





Jason Moon

Yes. Next silly question.

Lex of Excel

I mean, I'd have to read it to figure out if she has enough to sustain her own story, but I look forward to it nonetheless.


Any chance of you doing a Flexi-sibs one shot? I always wanted to see them in their prime or even when they are Heather’s age figuring out their powers and stuff?! :3

J R Quilcon

I'm SO EXCITED! (And I just can't hide it! ❤️🙂❤️)

House-broken Werewolf

You know, it's mentioned that she had kids, but you've never got further than that in explaining her love life. (Outside that kid who wears the maid outfit, of course.) Will you do that in this spinoff? Cause I'd really like to see that.😁

Jaren Taylor

I'd be very interested in a Super MILF spinoff.

Jared van Kell

I'd like to see us find out her husband is actually an older time-travelling Marty. Who decides to have some fun teasing her younger self. Just as her older self did with him in his youth. It could really make for some interesting story lines for seeing alternate future Super MILFs and Marty's.