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It's been a minute since I shared an unsolicited marketing email. And while this email isn't a marketing email, it is still quite interesting!

A little context - I made a gamedev video on Panda3D a last year to see if game dev videos would perform well (spoiler: they don't). Development videos are quite tedious to make so I don't generally make them anymore.

Fast Forward to today and I get this really sweet email:

For more context, I worked with Packt years ago on a course on Qt that didn't really go anywhere. So when I saw an email from Packt, I assumed they were asking me to author a course on Panda3D or something.

Turns out, they are just asking me for advice on whether they should consider a course on Panda3D for Python gamedev!

I'm super flattered that they considered my video as an authoritative source! As an aside, I was really proud of that video but also really bummed when it performed as badly as I expected it to.

Anyway, just thought I would share this fun little thing with you all!


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