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I've been diving back into the world of gameplay videos and I've been playing through some of my old favorites on the OG channel.

I often have some freetime in the morning to play games and I've been thinking of turning that time into Egeexyz time since gaming videos are quick and easy to make.

I started with Void Bastards and then switched to some Far Cry 2 but now I want to play a tactical shooter like Rainbow Six Vegas 2.

I grew up playing all of the OG Rainbow Six games. I was super into tactical and military stuff so realistic squad based shooters really appealed to me. RB6V2 is so well-done that it's timeless and I always enjoy playing it.

There's a lot of dying & retrying in this game so I want to practice editing and being silly with my attempts. Sometimes it's just dumb luck getting through a difficult section.

I can sometimes record enough footage for multiple videos in an hour so next time I'll link to the playlist and you guys can check it out if you are interested!


Rainbow Six: Vegas 2 ~ Theater Mission: Penthouse

Some gameplay w/commentary of the Penthouse scene of the Theater mission in Rainbox Six Vegas 2 leading up to the Casino scene. Playing this on Sparky Linux semi-rolling. Game doesn't seem to like MangoHUD but I'm fairly sure this is just OpenGL at work here. ☕ Enjoy my videos? Buy me a coffee on Ko-fi! https://ko-fi.com/egeexyz Follow me on social media! Mastodon 📯 https://mastodon.social/@egeexyz Twitter 🐦 https://twitter.com/egee_irl Check out my other YouTube Channels ~ OpenEgee 🐾 https://www.youtube.com/@OpenEgee EgeeNuevo 🎸 https://www.youtube.com/@EgeeNuevo 💝 Support The Channel! Patreon: https://patreon.com/egeexyz Flattr: https://flattr.com/@egeexyz Paypal: https://paypal.me/egeeio #egee



The throwback to gameplay videos quite nice!