A New RP Story Idea? - Teaser (Patreon)
So I've had this silly Starbound roleplay bouncing around in my head for a while and I'm ready to see what you guys think of it.
His name is Xox and he's a Thelusian. In the FU universe lore, Thelusians are some scaly-insect hybrid thing but in my universe, Xox is basically just a stupid murderous anthropomorphic ant.
I have the first "episode" planned out and it's going to be quite a bit different in that it's entirely scripted. I don't know much about this new character so I don't think I'll be able to riff with him the same way I do with Egee.
It'll be a new experience and I'm really looking forward to it!
I'm also very curious to see what people think of a game-based roleplay. I still like doing original stories with Egee but writing & voicing a story based on a character I'm playing in a game sounds like so much fun!!