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Just a quick little update on what's been going on. Been pushing harddd on the upcoming release of the Pilot, which is coming up SO FAST! I have several characters that will be revealed this week, Starting with this pretty one. Her names Danielle. She's got some lore, I'm not sure if you'd all be interested in HEARING about it? Or seeing the lore in a vid. Lemme know what you think.

As for other news, in regards to all your Names being placed on my vehicles. Anyone who hasn't contacted me please do so! We can discuss the font and details n such!

Last little bit of news is there will possibly be a trailer coming out too. A Little teaser picture is included here, the map of the US! I'll leave it up to you why its there ;3

More news on the way tomorrow! Stick around <3




Lore videos are great!