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Just wanted to let y’all know that for the past week my entire family has been hit by the Noro Virus. Myself included. Which is why I’m making this post. I woke up with it this morning and the worst I believe has already passed but now I just can’t leave my bed. I feel like I have weights on every single part of my body 😅 I’m not rly feeling like describing what the Noro Virus is, I’ll leave that up to you if you wanna know what it is. But I will say that for about a month now, my home Province has been hit hard with it. It’s going around.

Just so you guys don’t feel AS bad however, this shouldn’t affect the release of the first part of F&TF. That is still coming out on the 20th. As for general posts those will resume as soon as I’m better and ready to get back to work. I’ll keep you guys updated. 🧡 thank you to all supporters here for keeping me going. I could not be more thankful in situations like these 😔 love y’all. And stay tuned ;3