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Euphemia Isobel


alexis ♡︎

holy timing, just cooked dinner


Nice. #NOAH2024




Timing is impeccable just heated up my dinner 😭🙏🏽

Jude G

Seeing Michael and Jonas hugging broke me 😭


Dark clears election coverage


This is one of the best episodes of the series in my book. The actor playing Michael executed this phenomenally

Euphemia Isobel

Now if you go back and watch the scene in season 1 with Martha & Jonas in the rain, you understand why Martha is so baffled and confused when Jonas says they are wrong for eachother, because that Martha experiences future Jonas telling her they're a perfect match, and the Jonas in season 1 hadn't experienced that yet. The show on rewatch is incredible.


Still can’t believe Old Mikkel already experienced in his youth looking at an old weird dude in this house who was just him in the future


The most depressing ultimate fist bump

Devon Hibbler

thought yall said we would get a squid game episode tonight?


where’s the squid game🥲


thank you Geks for listening and releasing at an earlier time!

Jude G

So actually Mikkel has to die because it means Jonas is sent away to an asylum and bartosz gets the idea to go look for pot to celebrate his friends return and Jonas accepts because he’s so broken and wants to get back to normal thus leading the kids to the cave. That’s why Mikkel can’t live. Also the reason Mikkel is so on board with it is very simple: he loves his son and would do anything to keep him alive


watching them live a normal life even if it was just for a short time was so good. I love this show so much it makes me so happy to watch it


THANK YOU GEEKS for posting the episode early. I was already sad thinking about having to wait until tomorrow

The night is Dank and full of Memers

Cool things about Jonas and Martha's relationship (NO SPOILERS PAST THIS EP) 1 - They are each other's first kiss, but it isn't at the same time. Bootstrapped Rizz. 2 - The line "We are a perfect match" Is bootstrapped. Future Jonas says it to Martha at the beach the first time she hears it, then she says to present day Jonas the first time he hears it. Other general stuff - The line Mikkel says "God doesn't err" Is what Noah told him as a kid in 1987 this season. Everyone influences everyone in different interactions across time there is so much detail. There is only 1 letter as Jonas explains in season 1. Young Jonas gets old letter letter, burns, gets new letter, waits 33 years, mails back to self, young self burns. To clarify why Michael needs to die cause and effect wise - Michael dies, Jonas goes to therapy, Bartosz gets with Martha, initiating the divide between them that leads to Bartosz helping Noah. And leads to Jonas' being unhappy with everything in S1 providing motivation for wanting to get Mikkel back, which leads to him taken by Noah, sent to future, and eventually becoming Adam. Adam is ensuring his own existence. These compounded causalities happen with the kids and the chair. Erik's vanishing leads to them going for his drugs in the cave = Mikkel goes and Bartosz gets the phone Noah calls. Mads + Mikkel combo leads to Ulrich's cell phone in 1953 = Suitcase creation. As Adam said, each tech leads to the next. Chair indirectly leads to Suitcase which indirectly leads to the God particle in the future which brings Jonas to 1921 and leads him on the path to be Adam where the controllable particle is. To complete the loop, you notice in S2E4 there is the suitcase machine being broken down and reverse engineered... Into the chair design. Paradox complete.


LETS GOOOO peak peak peak peak peak peak peak!!!

Derek Whittom

Missouri in the summer has crazy storms with crazy lightning.

Derek Whittom

Claudia* remains my favorite character. Even after everything, you still don’t know how this game is played.

Euphemia Isobel

The stranger to Jonas in season 1 "Your father saved my life back then, I just didn't know it until much later"

Ryan Hrrs

Los gehtsssss


Honestly from this point rest of s2 is back to back 10/10


After working for 16 hours today...I really needed this.

Ali S.

the chemistry, the music, the one shot - Jonas and Martha’s scene on the beach is my favourite 👌🏼




The best thing about this show is that when you think the cookage is at its peak, there comes another episode and cooks even more. And even on my 5th watch I still can't find a flaw in all this craziness.


Isn't there a scene in season one where younger Hannah and Ulrich had the same conversation they just had on the swing set? Except it was Ulrich who wished for a world without Winden

Euphemia Isobel

Yes! They were intentionally re-doing their conversation but backwards. Basically acknowledging they both remembered that moment


What an amazing episode, this my first rewatch and it's so rewarding

Agent September 🏴‍☠️

Its crazy to think that the first time Jonas kissed Martha she had already kissed him and the first time Martha kissed Jonas he had already kissed her


squid games? 👀

Agent September 🏴‍☠️

I think Jack is cooking. Like what if Michael just didn't tell anybody he was gonna disappear and then Mikkel would still go back and Jonas would still be born


this is one of my favorite episodes of television of all time ngl

Adam Dark

Dark peaked this episode ,please drop 7&8 together .


episode 0 always slaps hard


Not for us in the west coast!! 🤣 it dropped just as I was getting ready to KO. What’s another hour

Euphemia Isobel

Michael has to die, if not Jonas would've never time traveled which he needed to do to make Mikkel time travel, which he needed to do to have Jonas.


Holy crap, Jonas IS Austin reaves.


so just to clarify (no spoiler - don't worry): The scene in the rain: that was Franziska, the eldest daughter who caught her father going to prostitute. And the Scene on the swings with Ulrich and Hannah: they basically said the same things like in the scene when they were kids at the bus station and it was raining. The only difference is that they switched the whole dialogue. So Ulrich asked if this was the apocalypse here but in the past, it was young Hannah asking this to Ulrich. that was interesting and cool to see that just everything comes back together in one way or another 😉


Fun fact: the creators of the show are husband and wife


There's no way to keep Michael alive and still have Jonas live imo. It's the butterfly effect. Without Michael dying, young Jonas does go to 'France' to recover, so Bartosz doesnt get with Martha, and they likely dont go to the cave on Bartosz' suggestion... etc, etc. So at this point the travelers (currrent Jonas and co.) would have to forcefully kidnap Mikkel (maybe they get caught). Even if they succeed, how do they force him to marry Hannah, how do they force their relationship and marriage to play out exactly the way it did before, when their very interference means nothing is the way it was before. Very interesting to think about though.


This is easily in the top 3 best episodes of Dark

Rayanh LaNansha

I've always loved how it was such a no brainer for Michael/Mikkel to kill himself. Despite how traumatic this entire thing was for him, his son remains the one thing he truly loved, so he was willing to die so his son would exist. Also as far as people defending Ulrich, I don't think anybody was defending who he was as a person. Personally, all I had to say on Ulrich is that I could understand what led him to try and kill Helge as he believed Helge to be a serial killer of kids, with his own son being a victim. Only thing is while Helge did help in killing all those other kids, Mikkel wasn't one of them. Outside of that, Ulrich is not exactly someone to root for 😅 . The one character I dislike the most remains Hannah, though.

Delane Gill

It’s such a mind fuck with how hopeless they are with trying to change anything. Like if Jonas stopped Mikkel/Michael from killing himself or going into the cave, he would cease to exist and therefore no longer be able to stop Mikkel in the first place.

Euphemia Isobel

But how would mikkel go back unless Jonas went back in time to bring mikkel through the cave? And Jonas never would’ve went back in time to do that if his dad never died


It'll crack your top 3. It has been decided long ago

S Moonchild

Basically Adam told Jonas that this was the loophole, his dad dying is the beginning of loop, so stopping it will break the cycle. But everything happened the way it happened before, this means that it was not the beginning of loophole, it was its part. This event can't be changed as it affects the event itself. Jonas not being born, will cancel the action of Jonas convincing his dad not to die. Who will convince Michael not to die, if there is no person like Jonas. And why Michael would even need convincing, if Mikkel never was led by Jonas in the cave to become Michael. So logically it can't be changed. And this is the logic of many events in the show. Adam needed Jonas to continue this part of the loop, for some reason we don't know. Egon Tiedemann hating Young Ulrich cause he reminds him of mid-age Ulrich (who he thinks is a monster) makes Young Ulrich become the policeman, which creates that situation again and again. And many more situations. Also Jonas's first kiss is Martha's second. But Martha's first kiss is Jonas's second.

Brittany (Ultraanimegirl4)

The interconnectedness is crazy here, like each thing cannot happen without the thing before it occurring, and we keep seeing these earlier events that continue to connect


I only feel sympathy for Ulrich when it comes to his kids.

jul ☽

Jonas pulled an Eren by being the one that led Mikkel into the caves lol


Mikkel and Helge tied for saddest characters :c

Euphemia Isobel

My final time asking if we could somehow get 7 and 8 in the same week 🙏 if you can’t it’s okay 😊

Mysterious Figure

I feel like that scene with the hug between Jonas and his dad hit you boys pretty hard, especially Cannon and Carter. I also don't think I've ever seen this much emotion on McKay's face ever since this channel started, and I've been here since the very start. That scene hit me especially hard as well. I think this episode might be the best episode of the whole show, or at least it's in the top three for me. I constantly think these actors cant surprise me anymore with how consistently amazing they are, but they keep breaking through some invisible barrier that blows my mind yet again. And the script, the editing, the sound design is of course also in a league of it's own. One of the best shows of all time, possibly THE best story that took up the time travel challenge, confidently stared straight into it's cold eyes and utterly conquered it.

Lawrence Howard

The scene where Jonas sees his father again is really cool because the first time he hugs him it’s like a father and son hugging, then after he reveals that he knows who he is he hugs Mikkel like a friend comforting a friend.

Lawrence Howard

Michael had to die because that’s what put Jonas in the mental hospital and that’s why Bartos took them to the woods for the drugs left there by Eric to celebrate Jonas coming home ,which is how Mikkel goes missing to become Michael.Without his death Jonas doesn’t find him hanging there which sets all of it off, and would keep Jonas from being born ,so that’s why he does it because he loves his son that much.

Vlad Lena

I love Ulrich character despite his decision like a husband and a man.

Vlad Lena

One of the best episode of whole show! Poor Jonas - it is he who brings his father to the end, although he tried with all his might to save him🥲 And about Ulrich/Hanna fling: yes, it’s morally bad, but can’t deny crazy chemistry between the actors during that rain scene. I felt it!

Max Kranabetter

I feel like Helge had it worse though, at least Mikkel had a nice early childhood and even though it was surely traumatic, his upbringing my Ines doesn't seem terrible either. Helge's life on the other hand just seems straight up terrible all around

Tunguska -

Random af, but are you from Scotland? Your profile pic reminds me of someone I used to know. But it's a small pic lol, hard to tell




Sorry, we all had an event tonight and are back now getting the videos uploaded.


Thanks for letting us know 👍🏻


No worries guys, things happen. Technical stuff and real life stuff. We appreciate you giving us the awesome content and I am loving your commentary!

Tunguska -

Oh shit lol, huh I've never seen Emilia like that. In the pic, she's the spit & image of an old college friend of mine I've lost contact with. Oh well cheers haha


Why doesn't Michael/Mikkel know about his eventual suicide? Mikkel was alive when Jonas and his mom went through that. He would have known about something that impactful in a small community. That's my only gripe with this episode


Wow what an episode. Now I really want to rewatch the episodes with Mikkel and Jonas after Mikkel disappeared to see it from this POV.


It's not made explicitly clear but the way he talks about things makes it sound like he'd very much repressed things for most of his adult life. Given the trauma, it's quite probable he has a patchy recollection even of things he would've been exposed to.


Yeah I guess that is the only explanation that makes any sort of sense. But he avoided his younger self and the Nielsen's because he remembered everything. So just seems weird. Also nice bad fur day picture.