One More Rep! #221 (Patreon)
The background for this story was when I discussed another story on discord. It was a straight forward story with a kidnapping, transformation to dumb muscle hunk and then given over as slave or something. Very little on who, how and why.
It was during this discussion I theorized that it would be interesting if pranks became protected first amendment speech. You could imagine Google wanting to protect its YouTube revenue lobbied through some legislation that pranks are protected given certain provision on compensation. So I imagined some overhyped fitness youtubers performing a prank on someone where they just totally transform him. I go into a bit more detail on the legal side in the follow up.
I thought of some of the daytime medical shows where they give away plastic surgery, with commentary from the surgeon. Once there I just started to look through the catalog of plastic surgery. There is a long list of procedures done to female-to-male transgender surgeries, so all of those could possibly apply here as well.
Model for both stories is Alon Gabbay.