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Patricia Lucas

YES I would love it if you guys read The Art of the Deal, but I need to hear it in either your best Trump voices or Cecil's Boston Woman voice!


Yes yes a thousand times yes I would love to hear you guys go over art of the deal but I really need Tom to read the quotes please please please my life would be so much better

Jude Searles

Hell yeah. I’m never gonna read it, so I’m happy for you folks to do so

Jon Herrin

Yes. Read "The Art of the Deal." I'd rather have your heads explode than mine. Well, really, your heads won't explode because you have better merciless mocking skillz.

Breandan Kedrowski

1) Biden 's dog is named Commander. 2) YES, I would love to hear your commentary on Art of the Deal!


Read it!

Richard Stifle

I’ve always been curious what the “stable genius” had someone else write about him.


I’d be down with that!

Simon Sakatos

Yes. Without question. This needs to be the book. The humor potential of this idea is limitless.


I am on board with the book club idea


Read it! Read it! Read it!

Julie Shepherd

Do it so I don’t have to

Melanie Gordon

Read Art of the Deal because I definitely won’t!

Perseus Barahona-Molina

I don’t want you guys to suffer through that book. Also it would give him money so hard pass.

Sharon Hogan

Don't read Trump's ghost-written vanity project. I suggest you read this article instead: https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2016/07/25/donald-trumps-ghostwriter-tells-all. You might also read Mary Trump's book, "Too Much and Never Enough" She has a master's in Literature and a PhD in psychology. Her uncle hired her to write the Sequel to Art of the Deal, but she decided there wasn't enough substance to what her Uncle wanted her to do. She gave a very good insightful story about DJT and how he got to be the way he is. If you can stand him, Michael Cohen's book, "Dysloyal" provides lots of inside dirt on Trump. I only read it because a friend bought it only to help make it a best seller to piss off the then-POTUS. Cohen is a bit of a self-aggrandizing jerk, but he does try to atone for helping Trump and is entertaining in his own way. There are better things to read that are written by insiders with the dope on DJT.

Penelope Deotte

Noem recorded the audiobook. She knew exactly what was in it.

Jon Ownbey

Please don't read that pile of shit's book. There is no way I'd listen to that.

Joshua Fryvecind

Can we start gently w the article Sharon suggested? Going right into it is just plain rude.

Shannon Kerr

No, please don't read the book. I am so incredibly fatigued by hearing about that man. And going into election season, it's already set to get worse. Please give us all a break from him. Please.

BAD Gumby

Read it!

No Moore Alabama

Thanks for sharing Sharon. Wow, to think, we knew all the way back in 86... Yes, please read this instead guys!

Vern Weisensel

Please read Art of the Deal.

Michael Hayden

Don’t read it. He doesn’t need any more attention.

Phil B-K

Out of sheer morbid curiosity, I kind of want to hear how bad that book is. I’ll vote yes 🙃

Jacob atkins

Read art of the deal!!!!


Please don't waste your time with the Trump book. I also just saw a cyber truck for the first time. It looks so dumb


Don’t read Art of the Deal.


Fuck that guy and his dumb book. But I’ll listen either way :)


I'll listen to it ... But I'm not excited about it!


I am so sorry for Haeley but the complaint… I was crying laughing at the accuracy of American healthcare😭


Read Art of the Deal!

Your friendly neighborhood Union lawyer

It might be fun if y’all did it “Awful Books” style. I’d suggest it to the PIA guys… if you don’t want to do it Glory Hole style. As for my vote: I’d have to agree with other patrons. I’m sick of hearing about lame duck a l'orange. In the end, Tom is probably right.

Ryan Parker

10000% PLEASE PLEASE PLEEEEEEASE read Art of the Deal!!