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Monroe Owens

You should read the art of hte deal

Jeff Codling

Please read us The Art of the Deal.


It sounds mean but I am in for you guys to read The Art of the Deal. I would love to hear you two rip that shitty book book up with your commentary

Jon Herrin

Yes. Read "The Art of the Deal." I'd rather have your heads explode than mine. Well, really, your heads won't explode because you have better merciless mocking skillz.

Jon Pierson

Please read “The Art of the Deal”. I’ve always wanted a way to work out how to adopt the same facial expression as the audience members watching “Springtime for Hitler” in “The Producers” and I think this might do it.


Read it! Bring in Eli!


Read it! Read it! Read it!

Tara Churchill

I'd love to hear you guys read The Art of the Deal as a victory lap after he loses something big. And maybe discuss what the ghost writer thought about it. I think he spilled lots of tea.

Derek Timp

Read the book, build up some karma

Peter Kyrouac

I agree with all the other comments saying that you should read "The Art of the Deal". Many years ago my ex-wife and I listened to an audiobook of "Why We Want You to Be Rich" by Donald Trump and Robert Kiyosaki. The only thing I remember about Why We Want You to Be Rich is Trump saying that the second-happiest day in a man's life is when he buys a yacht, and the happiest day is when the man sells his yacht.

Jeff Caplin

Never had the slightest interest in "The Art of the Deal" until now. The thought of it getting the CogDis treatment makes me want it bad! Read it!

Hot Dickson Rice

Yeah definitely read fart of the deal, please


Please read the book and make sure it’s used. Don’t need the orange, sleepy one getting more money. Thank youuu!!

Bre Kompelien

Art of The Deal for CogDis Book Club! A comedy! Give it to us Patrons!!


If you read Art of the Deal, I will too. Should be a horrifyingly fun time!

Steven Bickel

A) I desperately want to hear you critique Art of the Deal B) my favorite divorce reason I've ever heard... Irreconcilable Similarities... we both like women now. Judge granted immediately :)

Shannon Kerr

No. Please don't read the book. As funny as y'all are, I fear there's going to be only so much you can actually critique about this book and make it interesting. I suspect Tom's probably not far off with his assumption of what it primarily contains.


Please, for the love of all that is good, read the fucking book!

Julie LaVoice


Julie LaVoice

Read The Art of the Deal (sorry), and please read the New Yorker article at the link below.


That Australian billionaire picture looks like they instead did a portrait of the young girl from Hereditary (maybe with a little of Honey Boo Boo's mom mixed in).

The Beautiful Thumb

I know I'd enjoy listening to you suffering through reading 'The Art of the Deal", but I'm not sure I want to enjoy that suffering, ya know? I kinda like you guys and while you are very entertaining when you are suffering with stuff like that, I feel a bit queasy about it. I still very much want you guys to do an SF/F book club! I just started a college class on the topic of Science Fiction literature (one near and dear to me) and I'm itchy for chances to discuss books, or discover books I haven't considered, or read books I haven't yet but wanna, and then to hear you two talk about them, maybe with some patron listener input. Besides, Tom needs a good excuse to read something, right? :)

Morden O'Hare

Gina Rhinehart is a caricature of a billionaire. She's even in a law suit with her own children at the moment fighting over her late husbands inheritance. She's basically a right wing mining magnate who hates paying tax. Most people here in Australia can't stand her so we've all been belly laughing about this portrait drama.

Morden O'Hare

I don't know that I could stomach hearing Tom read the entire book but if you guys want to take that bullet and then do a book review or talk about I think that would be hilarious and maybe even a little enlightening.

Erika Calabretta

Read the art of the deal! Please and sorry.

George Thomson

For the love of Mary Tyler Moore, you must read that book!


I read The Art of the Deal. And I think because Trump didn't actually write it, it's coherent but it's BORING. He talks about his dad alot, and the time he like "saved Central Park" or whatever....read at your own risk.

Cathy Silverman

I love cognitive dissonance and I would listen to any topic, but I am so damn sick of Trump. I’d rather not hear anything else related to him for the rest of my life.

Leon Heartly

Yes please do the art of the deal

Petra Khor

Oh yes, please read it :)

Winter wiorkowski

With doctors, just threaten to sue - even if you don’t plan to say ‘I’m going to consult an attorney and get back to you….’ They Iisten really well after that … it seems to be the only way …

Henrik Holmgren-Jensen

Listen guys, I would absolutely love to listen to you reading Art of the Deal, however for your sanity's sake, I really can't condone that project.

Trent Davis

Yes PLEASE do Art of the Deal!!!!

Terrance Nash

read art of the deal. You could do a book version of gam

Jon Langdon

Absolutely do a Scathing Atheist style segment where you read that trash book and mock it.

Matthew Maxon

Please do Art of the Steal I mean Deal .


I’m gonna say no thanks to the Art of the Deal for a few reasons: 1. Fuck that duplicitous jagoff. I don’t want his advice on anything. 2. It is probably skillfully ghostwritten and we all know he barely had anything to do with it. The ghostwriter gave interviews calling him a sociopath and saying he helped create a monster. 3. I don’t think it will be that interesting or funny. You both are smart and hilarious, and will make it enjoyable but in my opinion it’s not worth the time and mental capacity. I shuddered the same as Tom at the mere thought of having to think about that asshole anymore than is already necessary.

Fraa Paul

I would listen to a review of The Art of the Deal if it can be kept to 2 or 3 episodes. I doubt there’s enough content there to go much longer than that.


I would love to hear you read pre-owned copies of Art of the Deal.