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And guess the AI face swap!



I missed it live! I was cooking a shrimp pasta.


I didn’t even get a notification they were doing a live show 🤷‍♂️

Steven Bickel

Capone's first offence didn't work out for him. Here's hoping character is taken into account for sentencing.

Laura Lusby

I found out because a work friend texted me. Best text ever.

Jeff Codling

Never underestimate the ability of the religious (or anyone really) to dismiss the sins/crimes when convenient to their worldview while simultaneously yelling about the same thing from others who are not.

Lime Green Morpheus

Shrimp pasta sounds really good and I think Tom and Cecil would be okay with you missing it for that.

Lime Green Morpheus

If Tom can’t make it then Cecil should have a guest host like one of the PIAT guys


Worst case scenario: tRump is convicted, goes to prison, still gets elected. The oval office has a prison phone system installed for his aides, world leaders, or diplomats to talk to him. They get three whole minutes to talk. Photo ops are taken with tRump inside a prison cage, as are press conferences. The Secret Service escorts him around in a prisoner cart like Hannibal Lecter in The Silence of the Lambs. For conjugal visits he gets the Playboy issue of Karen McDougal and an ankle sock.