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FACT CHECK: Trump DENIES saying 'Lock her up'

Trump falsely tells Fox News he never said 'Lock her up

Donald Trump Faces Travel Ban To 37 Countries - Newsweek

Trump supporters call for riots and violent retribution after verdict | Reuters

Trump supporters try to dox jurors and post violent threats after his conviction

Publisher of '2000 Mules' election conspiracy theory film issues apology

Dinesh D'Souza election fraud film, book '2000 Mules' pulled after defamation suit

R.I. neo-Nazi member accused of possessing child pornography

Fact Check: No evidence Democrats called for a rainbow-redesign of the US flag | Reuters



Maddy Love

I think Dan and Jordan have said that while they want the desk they know it would get more money being sold to someone else...so more money for the Sandy Hook victims. I still wanna watch Tom arm wrestle Dan and Jordan tho

Maddy Love

Although I very much wanna see a team up of the two pods with joint desk custody...assuming Selina gets to come along

John Brownell

I think Alice Cooper portrayed King Harold in concert recently.

Jay Voigt

Good morning, everyone!

Jay Voigt

What on earth is a "golf uniform?"

Timothy Thayer

Pretty sure Mark Bankston called dibs on the desk.

Perseus Barahona-Molina

I have never heard Tom so happy when he thinks about the desk. 😂😂😂

Laura Lusby

The kids at my elementary school ran the flag up upside down once on accident. We just had them fix it.

Winter wiorkowski

Look up the American flag thongs and banana hammocks


The violence that Trump will do if he's re-elected would be worse than anything his supporters would ever dare, so their threats aren't scary to me at all.

We can feed everybody

As an Army veteran, with 8 combat deployments, your comments on the American flag and pledge are......perfect. What makes America great is our Constitution which has adapted to gradual enlightenment and immigrants. Fuck fabric!


The reason why Christians, especially Evangelical Christians, don’t care about Trump’s crimes is because they follow leaders who do the same. I can’t go a week without seeing a new article about a priest, pastor, minister, etc. sentenced to prison for raping a child or embezzling money or anything else that Trump does. Besides Catholic priests, a lot of these clergy (mostly men) people have been married multiple times with children from different wives, so they already don’t care about that. We need to stop talking about how “Non-Christian” Trump is when he does everything Church leaders do. We need to beat him on how he’ll rob from the poor to give to the rich, then piss on the poor.

Breandan Kedrowski

Cyrus the Great of Persia was a real historical person, guys

Richard Bennett

There is a flag code in the US. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_Flag_Code Having said that, I have a jacket made from US flags.

Richard Bennett

The house we recently moved into had a flag pole. I don't know if the previous owners flew any flags, but we just took it down. i don't want to be associated with the jingoists. I do put the flagpole up at Halloween and hang decorations, though. The mechanized spider is great..


True, but they will also do it alongside their dictator in the name of patriotism.


During my brush with religion, preachers would often talk about how god used flawed people, like Ezekial being bald and Jonah fleeing. So, tRump being flawed isn't an issue, the greater the flaws the greater the glory to god. By that reasoning, jesus should have made Hitler look like an archangel.


When I was in the Army, I bought into the anti-flag-burning rhetoric, until I came to a deeper understanding of freedom. The freedom is more important than the symbol. Flags can be replaced, freedoms can be lost forever.