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FACT CHECK: Trump DENIES saying 'Lock her up'

Trump falsely tells Fox News he never said 'Lock her up

Donald Trump Faces Travel Ban To 37 Countries - Newsweek

Trump supporters call for riots and violent retribution after verdict | Reuters

Trump supporters try to dox jurors and post violent threats after his conviction

Publisher of '2000 Mules' election conspiracy theory film issues apology

Dinesh D'Souza election fraud film, book '2000 Mules' pulled after defamation suit

R.I. neo-Nazi member accused of possessing child pornography

Fact Check: No evidence Democrats called for a rainbow-redesign of the US flag | Reuters


Random Nonsense, No Tomfoolery

There's a U.S. Flag Code (USC 4 Ch.1). The military uses it, and schools generally do (or did) as it's the code defining all the rules about flying, display, standards, etc. It's all kinda weird, and very ceremonial in a lot of ways. There are specific procedures (at least in the military) for unfolding, displaying, retiring, presenting, disposing of, pretty much anything you can think of regarding the U.S. Flag. Did it in school and also did the Color Guard (U.S. Army equivalent of that same job for a post/base) for a few months while I was in the Army. I'm not super patriotic, I just needed a job during a recession, but like... standards are standards, and when your job is to follow the rules, you follow 'em. It baffles me how many "patriotic" nutjobs defile the flag constantly. Likewise, how many of them are former (or pretend to affect being adjacent to) military. Kinda ties back in with Tom's earlier commentary on the hypocrisy from my point of view. I have no particular love for the object itself, but can respect that many people were less lucky than me in surviving my service, and many had a more passionate association with what the object represents. And the people claiming to "love" the thing abuse and mutilate it every which way... but somehow... they're supposed to be the "proud" Americans or whatever. Shit's inside-out and ass-backwards crazy. Love y'all, peace.


The House of Representatives publishes the code in book form. It's available on Amazon.

George Thomson

I was at a running event in Vietnam last year. A member of our group bought a national flag to wear as a sarong. He did it right after exiting the store, and he didn’t notice the police officer watching him from across the street. In about 30 minutes more police showed up and hauled him away.

Kelley G

The most offended I was as an American was when I saw someone beating people with the American flag&pole on Jan 6th.


Dinesh D’Souza is also a convicted felon, guilty of violating campaign finance laws. Trump pardoned him in 2018. Frauds of a feather.

Lily Desiree Thomas

Lawful Assembly podcast is brilliant. Everyone should listen.


It has been my experience that the faux Patriots get quite upset when you point out their various violations.

Matthew Maxon

I'm retired military & 5x Iraq deployments & I don't fly a US flag. It's been subverted by people I feel are traitors by MAGATS


Made that howling image Cecil was talking about with DALL-E: https://share.icloud.com/photos/061XApcqkJWkT3ahddrKkWUdA

kyle fistofkrosa

I fly the flag. For me it's a matter of pride and solidarity with other veterans and soldiers. I decend from a long line of veterans. The military was always job that paid decent and has benefits that allowed me to take care of my family like my father and his. It sickens me to my core to watch these people out there adapting the American flag into their nationalist values. I love seeing the rainbow American flag, as well as the myriad of other ways it's been presented because at it's core it's still representing all of us as one. Its shame that we, sadly including myself at times, come to a point when one of the first assumptions about a person flying the traditional U.S. flag is either some nationalist, racist, xenophobic or all of the above.

Claire Nollet

I've seen videos of MAGA fans at rallies. The interviewer will say, "What do you think of Trump saying X?"They will say that Trump never said that. "Here are a bunch of videos where he's saying that." The MAGA folks will say that the videos are fakes. They're brainwashed.


It's like the difference between someone who wears religious accoutrements and someone haranguing and harassing you as you walk away from them trying to force a tract into your hand while screaming that you're a worthless sinner who will burn in hell if you don't accept jesus immediately. Our default shouldn't be: many flags = nationalist, racist xenophobe. But for the time being it is. When I returned to the US last summer, I actually experienced anxiety when I saw lots of flags. Not just a flag, or a flag flying at a shopping center or fire department. I'm talking about people with 86 flags and more, pennets and streamers strung up or flying around their house in some garish mockery of patriotism. It's nothing like seeing a house decorated for Halloween or Christmas. It's become a symbol of an idiot MAGAt; a way to virtue signal their extremist nationalism under the guise of "patriotism." They may be super patriotic, but I've never seen anyone go to that extreme. Hell, I've seen Memorial and Veteran Day parades flying less flags than some of these houses. When I recently returned, I didn't have the same reaction, but this time I also saw tRump rallies on freeway overpasses, as well as monster trucks driving down the road flying gigantic flags (US & tRump) behind them. It was also Memorial Day weekend, so it wasn't unusual to see a lot of US flags hanging from front porches, which was absolutely fine. But a tRump flag + US flag does equal nationalist, racist xenophobe, whether intended or not.


I beg to differ. You can be a bully and a victim. The NRA calls it "self defense." christians and conservatives are projecting when they call LGBTQ people groomers. I had someone "call me out" for posting about incidents where preachers and ministers were molesting children or raping women. He claimed that the church had cleaned up it's act by getting rid of all the gays hidden in their ranks, and that LGBTQ people and atheists were groomers. I challenged him to show me just one instance of an atheist or atheist organization grooming children. Just one. Silence. I prodded him a few times over the years, telling him that I was still waiting. Nothing. Then he just disappeared. I know not all christians are pedos, nor support grooming, but their religion has built into it forgiveness, acceptance, and support for those people. When loyalty to monsters and despicable people overrides your principles, you have no principles. I used to look at the flag with pride and I was patriotic and proud. I no longer feel that way (for more reasons than just that the flag and patriotism have both been soiled and weaponized). I bought into the anti-flag-burning rhetoric. Until I understood that the principle of free speech was more important than the symbol. The speech itself is the symbol. Kneeling during the national anthem (words put to a bar song) is more important than the anthem itself. We have more reverence for the flag than we do for the people that flag represents. The people are what matter. The freedoms are what matter. The flag can be replaced. You cannot replace the people that get destroyed for love of the flag. You cannot replace the freedoms sacrificed to the symbol of freedom. That's not freedom. You can replace the flag. Why take pride in the happenstance of where I was born? Instead, I take pride in my accomplishments, the things that I do, and in helping and supporting others.

Mara S.

Just listening to Trump talk makes my skin crawl.