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Jessica Oudbier

I'm already voting for the farthest left, most viable candidate. I'm not sucking his dick. I'm not giving him money. I'm not campaigning for rapists. So yes, I'm participating in the trolley problem, but as a communist, I'm tired of hearing from liberals every time I mention the flaw in voting for more rich people. It sucks ass that I don't want to vote for them anymore, and when I talk about it yall jump down my throat. Yes, I voted for Biden and Hillary and Obama and in every state and local election. But personally, when I mention how much I hate voting for these people who sent me to war, who did bad things, who made rich people richer, I get told I'm part of the problem. It fucking sucks.


If Joe Biden isn’t president by the end of January next year then Donald Trump will be and project 2025 will become a reality. Your vote isn’t a cookie that you can dangle in front of a politician for being a good boy. It’s your hand steering the ship, and if we let our hands off the rudder now this ship is going to sink.

Winter wiorkowski

I think the (hopefully) fatal flaw in their reasoning is that they don’t think minorities are people … they are definitely saying that philosophically, but they aren’t thinking it through … I went to a gun show in Fort Worth, TX a few months ago and I was expecting to see all the country people that had made me move back into a city - but I didn’t - it was mostly minorities … I also live in a predominantly minority neighborhood (I’m a white transman) and the people that live here are not going to take it lying down when the government tries to take their rights away … So this group of white assholes is ignoring a little under half the country - the half that is used to getting generationally been fucked over and has had to fight for everything they have - thinking they will just roll over and take it - and they won’t … (I’m also moving to Michigan in the fall and look forward to the cooler weather - and the fact that Canada will be around 50 miles from my house)

Tom Hail

Excellent breakdown on that fascist mess. Thanks!


I feel your pain. Some people don't realize, governing isn't a market. Obvious as it seems, they don't realizes there's only one gov't. Politics is an self-governing industry with both parties deciding on the rules, so they run the show on behalf of the rich. Parties just give us the illusion of choice. No matter what form of gov't, the rich always come out on top because money rules all. The gov't was created by the rich and will continue to support the rich. As long as the man toiling in the field looks up at the passing Rolls Royce and tells himself, "One day that could be me," the rich will remain in power. We have to stop idolizing wealth and power. As long as we continue to believe what society tells us, that money and fame are the route to happiness, the rich will continue to rule over the unwashed masses. For that is how they view us.

Jessica Oudbier

I'm moving back to Michigan from Alaska. Armed queers bash back, etc. I wanted to move my family to a more centralized area so I can get to as many of my friends as possible of shit really hits the fan and get them west and or north or where ever. The friends I've made here are amenable to me coming back, but I need to be closer if I have any chance of getting my trans folk, women, and girls out of the south and surrounding areas.

Jessica Oudbier

Like I said, I voted for him and will do so in the future. I'm also vehemently opposed to him politically. I also hate that I have to. I also have nothing but disgust for every person who tells me to be quiet when I point out the war crimes I was forced to commit on behalf of Bush and Obama every election season. It's sick and disgusting. Two things can be true at once.

Winter wiorkowski

I have a giant basement in my new house because I’ve always wanted a basement and loved some other things about the house (the basement literally has the same square footage as my current house) -and it be thought the same thing - that basement could be used for fellow people to stay in on their way out of the country …

Bowl of Piss Water

This project does scare the fuck out of me. I'm reminded of a conversation I had with my ex girlfriend, too. She was adamant that Christian nationalism didn't exist, wasn't a thing, I was crazy and bigoted for worrying about it. Well, at least I can feel smug about being right while I'm terrified, I guess.


This was a great episode! And I wholeheartedly agree that democracy is on the line this year! I’m not a US citizen, but rightly or wrongly the US is a monumental influence on global policies and culture. If democracy falters in the US - it will create a domino effect globally, there is no doubt in my mind about this. What needs to be a loud part of this conversation is the assumption that political solutions occur quickly- they do not! The evangelical right wing did not wake up in 2015 when DJT came down the escalator declaring Mexicans are rapists. The right wing evangelicals have been hatching these plans for over 50yrs! Their progress was not swift! It was incremental! The Dominionists, John Birch Society and Heritage Foundation are cogs in a massive operation to make America a Christian Nationalist nation! I’m 51yrs old - and I have watched America slide slowly into evangelical doctrine and faux outrage at culture wars generated to purposely divide the masses. So now I sit here in New Zealand (currently being run by a GOP light inc) and I am so fearful that the ‘left’ will fracture again and this time there will be no going back. It is why I feel it is vital to constantly mention that it took the Right Wing Bastards 50 fucking years to be on this precipice - of the fall of democracy! And we on the left want instant results. It doesn’t work that way, unfortunately! Change must come from the bottom up! Must come from fair minded people electing and being elected into local councils, local schools and I’m sorry but the road back to a hopeful future may also take 50 years of dogged work, not just for the US - but for the globe too! We cannot fix what took over 50yrs to break in 1 election cycle! We just cannot! But we can prevent them winning by starting the hard work to fix the broken system from the ground up.

Eric Denton

Feel like you guys should make this a free episode in the feed & posted on YouTube. It’s very important.