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Watch: Embarrassing Video Reveals Trump’s Alarming Cognitive Decline | The New Republic

‘Extremely low pay’ cited at U.S. Senate hearing as prime reason for teacher shortage • Michigan Advance

Former President Donald Trump Tells Crowd He Wants an ‘Iron Dome’ Over America

Texas abortion ban linked to 13% increase in infant and newborn deaths

States With Abortion Bans Are Losing a Generation of Ob-Gyns

What Happened to Stanford Spells Trouble for the Election

Extreme heat: More than 1,300 died during Hajj this year | AP News

Father Reidy Goes to Washington — As Supreme Court Clerk

Masks are going from mandated to criminalized in some states



Women being able to choose is great. But it should be made with a medical doctor. Not a politician, nor a priest. My in-laws were friends with a catholic couple with 6 children. The 7th was an ectopic pregnancy (implanted in the fallopian tube). The doctors advised an abortion, or she and the baby would die. She was uncomfortable with getting an abortion, so she talked to her priest. You already know what he advised, so she opted against an abortion. Spoiler alert. She died. The father was unable to take care of the 6 remaining children on his own, so they all went into foster care. Not together. The family was destroyed as a result of a priest giving medical advice he was not qualified to give. Conservatives are not about family values (their own family, hopefully, but not your family), they are about loyalty to the hierarchy.

Laura Lusby

I am way the fuck better off than I was in June of 2020. Better marriage, better job, better everything.


When I was in third grade in Alabama (1982) each student had to bring a pack of toilet paper on the first day of school to supply the school for the year.