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This week while preparing for the second half conversation of Art of the Deal, I found this article:

Donald Trump’s Ghostwriter Tells All

“The Art of the Deal” made America see Trump as a charmer with an unfailing knack for business. Tony Schwartz helped create that myth—and regrets it.

Tom and I thought it was so good that perhaps he should read it for patrons as a patron extra. So here it is patrons, it's long but worth a listen. The Patron show on the second half of Art of the Deal will released late Wednesday or Thursday.

Thanks everyone!




In a way, Tony Schwarze was the first person to professionally heap lavish, undeserved, praise on Trump when he wrote Art of the Deal. And at the same time, he’s the only one to do so who I feel any sympathy for. Who among us would think that a ghostwritten autobiography about a B-list celebrity would help contribute to the rise of American fascism?

Laura Lusby

I super appreciated this article. It’s a fascinating look at the Trump that really was there all along: a calculating, bullying, monstrous thug.

Jay Voigt

I have never hated anyone more than I hate Donald Trump, he's fucking evil.

Rachel Kane

Thank you for the excellent read! Your voice is somehow soothing despite the scariness of the material.


Your last sentence reminds me of Jon Ronson's podcast Things Fell Apart (about 16 episodes). In each episode he starts in the past with something innocuous seeming and ends in the current culture wars.

Bra Straps and Bitch Slaps

I love that whenever there’s a quote from Trump, Tom can’t help but imitate his voice and cadence.


I haven't listened yet, but I'm imagining that he probably felt a little bit like Oppenheimer.