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We finish talking about art of the deal and discuss the ghost writer's interview.



Daniel Allen

As a 5th grade teacher, Trump’s brain sounds like it functions as a 10 to 11 year olds does. Vote Blue y’all!!!

Laura Lusby

Recently I was talking to a friend at work: “Why is there football on?” “Because it’s popular, silly” “Yeah, but it’s MARCH. We had the Super Bowl already. Why is there football happening?” And that’s how I learned that there is spring football and now I want to know what Cecil thinks about the San Antonio Brahmas.


Trump has become so normalized in American politics that it’s actually kind of jarring to hear people talking about what a pathological freak he is again.

Jay Voigt

10 to 11 year old sounds pretty generous, I always thought he reminded me a 4 to 5 year old.


I would like to take this opportunity to say channel Nelson and say “Haha” to all of the ridiculous Blue MAGA Biden or Bust folks. Good riddance to that old bigot.

Lemon Stealing Horse

I read "To Much and Never Enough" by Mary Trump. It was an interesting window into who Trump is and how he got that way.