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Clip resurfaces of Vance criticizing Harris for being 'childless,' testing Trump's new running mate - ABC News

Conservative Women Turn on JD Vance for Attacking 'Childless' Democrats - Newsweek

"Old and quite weird": Democrats finally discover new effective attack — and Republicans hate it | Salon.com


Project 2025 would destabilize public education | First Focus on Children

Project 2025’s Elimination of Title I Funding Would Hurt Students and Decimate Teaching Positions in Local Schools - Center for American Progress



Jay Voigt

Happy Sunday! Enjoy not going to church. 🤘❤️

Laura Lusby

On the First Name thing: Kamala wants to be known by her first name. Her campaign signs say KAMALA. She herself is driving this.

Oscar Thegrouch

You're so right about so much! On the subject of vouchers, all that happens is the private schools raise their tuition to match the voucher's amount.


I don’t have kids and I don’t want kids. But when I’m eighty it’s other people’s kids who are going to be selling me groceries and treating me at the hospital and putting out fires in my neighborhood. I have a real, tangible, interest in making sure that children are fed and safe and educated beyond just basic empathy even though that would already be a good enough reason to do all that.


Yeah that's true, but we also said "Hilary and Trump" when Hilary Clinton was running but when it was Bill Clinton we said "Clinton and Bush". It's kind of interesting, and it could be unconscious bias, though you're right that Kamala prefers that name. Trump though seems to always use the first names (Like "Sleepy Joe") unless they're pushing a "Biden crime family" style insult.


As a Missourian, I have seen that ad and its fucking great! It really pisses off MAGAs too.

Winter wiorkowski

The tactic of just writing off MAGA people does work -.i was having a conversation with someone online about Dr. Steven Hassan’s book about the cult of Trump (I think that might be the name of the book) - Dr. Hassan is THE GUY that came up with the modern models of cults - and some MAGA idiot got on the thread and said something ridiculous like ‘well he’s working on a second book about Biden’s followers’ and I said ‘Awww - that’s really cute - thank you for your input but the adults are talking right now’ and he fucked right off …

Diego Guzmán

I feel you may have missed another point about people getting offended by the olympics opening: even if it was way closer to how the last supper is, even if it is obvious that that is what they are using... that's just creating derivative work that in no case was pointing fingers to anyone nor mocking any faith (rather, recognizing more than one by doing the mash up.) It begs the question l, what's is or are the elements that make them feel offended? Having the painting being referenced? Having people of different ethnics, or gender expression? So, I wouldn't defend that it is not exactly like the Last Supper. For me it is clearly used as reference. But that in no sense is a problem, I believe.

Kernan Coleman

I don’t think that the Democrats are four years too late with the whole weird thing. I think that it actually took that much exposure to Trump insanity, and the complete integration of the morals of the GOP to reach all levels of society to the point where everybody simply agrees.

Ryan Parker

I don’t know who called you, Tom? But I actually decided to take one of those calls when I was going to see a friend. I live in the South Bay of Los Angeles. And I was driving to downtown. It’s about a 30 minute drive give or take depending on traffic and a few other factors. And they said it’s a quick survey. Only about ten to fifteen minutes. Well, I got all the way there and that quick survey still wasn’t done and I said man I have to go. I can’t finish your survey. How much time is left you said this was quick? He said we’re almost done, sir. Only about 15 more minutes. I was like what the fuck!? (I didn’t say that to him. Just thought it. The WTF part anyway.) I can’t do your survey dude. I have to go. I have things to do. And the other thing that I think you might be missing? It’s not necessarily that you’re doing your civic duty. It isn’t necessarily the government calling you. It’s a specific party and or more likely a specific candidate. So what you’re doing is contributing to this candidates Meta-data for free. It could be a candidate you like or candidate you hate it doesn’t matter. They will tell you if you ask? But you’re literally working for free for a candidate. Which is fine if you want to support them? But in general, it’s a candidate taking up your time. For their own benefit. That’s what a lot of those calls are.