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The Rise and Fall of the Trad Wife

Meet the queen of the ‘trad wives’ (and her eight children)

Opinion | ‘Tradwife’ Content Isn’t Really for Women. It’s for Men Who Want Submissive Wives. - The New York Times



I have thoughts!! And I'm sure I'll post them on the FB group. But one thing I think is important is how much pressure this puts on the man in the relationship - especially in the families where the trad wife isn't an influencer. Carrying the financial burden is a fuckton of of pressure which shouldn't be assumed to automatically belong to one person.


As a feminist who really believes in the equality of the sexes, patriarchy harms men too. Breaking free of it is good for everyone


I really respect how you've (Tom) set up a nest egg account for your non-working wife. That's so thoughtful of her position. What a good guy.