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DNC night one ratings beat RNC by 21 percent despite late Biden speech | The Independent

Donald Trump Falsely Claims Taylor Swift Has Endorsed Him by Posting AI Images: 'I Accept'

J.D. Vance’s Weird Thoughts on Older Women Exposed in New Audio | The New Republic



Deanna T.

Fuck Hulk Hogan and his "real American" shit. We're all real Americans.

Mockingbird Nation

People who only laugh out of mockery and cruelty cannot abide hearing real laughter, because they are terrified you are laughing at them the way they laugh at others.


One facet of the problem with conservatives (and anyone who has privilege*) is they think like Syndrome in The Incredibles: "When everyone is super...then no one is." Apply that thinking elsewhere: "When everyone is healthy...then no one is." "When everyone has money...then no one does." "If everyone has a job...then on one does." "If everyone is free...then no one is." * No, not everyone. However, the fractional exception proves the rule.

Mockingbird Nation

I started crying again when you played Lil John


I did have one moron on Michael Shermer's* substack consplain to me that women who couldn't give birth weren't women, even post menopausal women. * Shermer. I know. Fuck Shermer.

Jo Narayan

The bit where you were talking about them saying women sleep their way to the top etc... I recently saw a post on social media that said "why do we say women sleep their way to the top instead of men withhold promotions until they receive sexual favors?" Or something like that. Thought you guys would like that.

Seth F.

"Dig up the dirt" [3:05], I think you mean, "fabricate the dirt". The right-wing muckraking machine is almost entirely unhinged from reality.