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Project 2025 co-author Russell Vought talks Trump in secret video | CNN Politics

Gus Walz broke the internet with his tearful love for his dad. Then the bullying began

Moms For Liberty Lose Florida School Board Races - Joe.My.God.


Trump campaign staff had altercation with official at Arlington Cemetery : NPR

How The Hell Was Trump Allowed To Use Arlington National Cemetery As A Campaign Prop?

FFRF to N.C. school: Remove Christian cross from mascot logo



Jay Voigt

Oh my heck, it's Sunday already? I am trapped in Anchorage, 4 straight days of canceled flights and I am losing my MIND!!!

Jay Voigt

Let's be honest, Donald Trump soils his suits even when he's not being shot at.


The fact that scandals don’t just sluff off of Trump like they used to is the reason why republicans are all in on project 2025, even if they pretend not to be. This is an existential election for them too. They tethered themselves to the base that Trump cultivated but if he loses this year then he’ll either run again in four years when he’ll be a much weaker candidate or they’ll try to find a new guy who can somehow, magically, animate Trump’s base without turning off moderate voters. I have no idea what republican politics will look like in four years if Trump loses but I have a pretty good guess on what it’ll look like if he wins.


The longer things persist, the more convinced I am that all conservatives are just assholes. I hate to resort to such a blanket statement, and I know some that aren't, but I have to wonder... Why the long years of silence? They may not like tRump, but too many will still vote for him, support the party line all the way down, because loyalty trumps ethics. Actions speak louder than words. I've heard there is a saying in Germany (can't verify it, but it's true enough): "If nine people are having dinner together and a Nazi joins them and no one leaves, then 10 Nazis are having dinner." As an independent, I don't care for either party, but at least one of them seems to have more interest in the welfare of the people of this nation. The other is more concerned with control and prosperity. America is prospering even if many of its citizens are not.

Marshall Kuhlman

Cecil for president 2028: Go lay down! 🗞️

Laura Lusby

The final Doolittle Raider is buried in the military cemetery in San Antonio. My family had a tiny ceremony where we all went and drank cognac to honor the Raiders last April. There were tears, not thumbs up. Soldiers don’t need to be “deified,” sure. But they damn sure deserve all the honor.


Dudes, as an Autistic man, I wished to fuck that my dad loved me 1/8th of the amount that Gov. Walz loves his son. My dad resented me, and actively suppressed my autistic traits for whatever bullshit reason he had. I think the Governor and his son should be fucking applauded and I’m damn proud of them. I want to mention that I feel the same way about Eli and his son, there’s no way to describe what that love and support means.This is coming from a guy that didn’t have that. You guys are the real model for masculinity and fatherhood, sincerely.