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Josh Bernstein Says ‘Serial Murderer And Hit Man’ John Podesta Personally Killed Seth Rich

Also a conversation about cereal. 


Sarah Fullerton

I was a weird kid. I liked rice crispies with no sugar. plain. with soy milk, 'cause real milk made me cough. Later I upgraded to honey nut cheeroes. Did you try the peanut butter cheereos? they were awesome!

Sarah Fullerton

Now I eat mostly oatmeal. My husband is French. they don't eat oatmeal. When ever I have a bowl he whinnies at me.


My mother ONLY bought Honeycombs. Ever - and they were awful! So I was a grown person before I got to experience the joys of kid cereal. The only one I buy for my kids that I still eat occasionally is Cocoa Pebbles...and you must pour almost the whole box in your bowl bc that's how much it takes to fill you up!

Paul Freelend

Never seen Peanut Butter Cheerios -- I'll have to keep an eye out for those next time I'm back in the US. Growing up, I was always a big fan of Oh's, which were basically big Cheerios with honey and nuts in the middle. I was a weird kid. <a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oh%27s" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oh%27s</a>

Person from place

Why are your cereals bits of diabetes? Who serves that to kids? Grew up with muesli, oat and cornflakes. Put raisins or fresh fruit on it. Tastes awesome.