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Zimbabwean Pastor Claims to Have God’s Direct Phone Number

Sandy Rios Defends Greg Gianforte’s Assault On ‘Girly-Man’ Reporter Ben Jacobs

Theodore Shoebat: Victims Of Manchester Bombing Were Pro-Sodomite ‘Sluts’ And ‘Whores’ *

Alex Jones Retracts Comments Accusing Chobani Of Hiring ‘Migrant Rapists’



Stormlight, the band!

Prepare your nerd voice, for I shall describe the difference between a warlock and a wizard. It's all about how they know their magic. Wizards must study the magic they want to use while a warlock has inherent magical ability, often evil in nature. That is all, continue on with your life.

Kyle Smith

Ehh, not in 5e. Sorcerers have inherent magic derived from non-human heritage, whereas warlock's magic is gained through pacts with external entities (often evil or incomprehensible). Just sayin'.

Stormlight, the band!

Oh that's a fun lore tweak. I haven't gotten a chance to play 5th yet though I'd like to

Reynold Hall

Damn. *Now* I learn this!

Dr. H

I am now a newly trained RfR volunteer thanks to the podcast.

Fucking Johnny Rayburn

This episode has inspired me to volunteer for RfR. Thanks guys