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Tom and I started talking about Halloween candy pre-record and it turned into a long conversation. So I figured I would just edit it and send it out to patrons. The conversation starts with me offering to give Tom a bag of candy to take home so he can seed his son's candy bag with it as when he starts his trick or treating route. It continues from there.



Kelly Slate

Team Whatchamacallit 💪

Ferret Maestro

Finally, cecil and i agree on food. whatchamacallits are the best.


I was always partial to Hershey’s Cookies & Mint, and Milky Way Dark.


I would like to nominate Necco wafers to the worst candies list 😂. They’re like tums but with no medicinal value


And you thought candy corn was the worst thing there is?!? https://scripturecandy.com/products/jesus-harvest-seeds

We can feed everybody

You nail every one of these. Remember sugar babies, the solid molasses slug cousin of sugar babies? First day the community pool was open in May, I put one in my mouth, then the life guards blew whistles saying kids could reenter the pool. Dove in and heard and audible cracking sound. The cold water seized it onto my braces. Lost 3 brackets.

Jay Voigt

Butterfinger is the best. Candy Corn is amazing. Black Licorice is the devil's poo. Robin Eggs are my all time favorite.

Winter wiorkowski

Several idiot friends on FB talked me into drinking pickle beer - don’t NOT do it … I may not like pickles anymore …

Aaron Rodriguez

Milk Duds. Absolute worst candy.