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We are planning an AMA for later this month so if you have questions, post them here. We might take some of the questions and use them in tonight's recording if they are election related.

Also, there should have been a funny show post today. We had to record that livestream on an off day so our schedule is a little off. Our plan is to still release the shows but shift to Long form show next Thursday, then Funny show the following Thursday and then Patron show the last Thursday. The Monday shows should be all fine and come out on time.

Thanks everyone for your support!


Renegade Lens & Ink

What is your plan for the next ~60 days to prepare for the next term? Personally, aside from still being in some semi disbelief, I’m starting to talk with friends here in DC on how we can help support and protect the LGBTQ+ community.

Quartermaster Jacob Thorn

Question 1) How you guys doing? Question 2) I have a 15 yr old son and a 13 yr old daughter, given where the nation has gone what the hell do I tell them? I am at a loss as to any advice anything that could help other than tell them I love them no matter what and I will do whatever I can for them.


I hope you and your families are okay. A question: How do you process this as public figures, with all of the complex feelings I know we all have? What has that journey been like for you, if you don't mind sharing. Thanks.

Henrik Holmgren-Jensen

First question on my mind: Have you guys considered moving to Denmark for four years, for no particular reason? I have a spare room and plenty of space for setting up a small studio available, as long as one of you don't mind walking the dog once in a while 😉

Jay Voigt

So you guys have talked about a "buddy house," how about we do a "buddy compound" and we can all live and work together towards surviving and fixing what's about to happen?

Chris Ward

I've been mulling the question below for a few weeks so apologies for the preamble. I've heard some commenters say that Democrats lost votes because they did not address the basic needs and struggles many people are going through; namely the high cost of living. Rising food, gas, and housing prices have made day to day living difficult as many are scrapping by to make ends meet. Democrats ran on social justice issues like abortion, LGBTQ rights, and Not being Trump, while Trump promised prosperity and lower prices that the Biden administration failed to deliver. (I'm oversimplifying the campaigns but I hope you get my point) Some early data suggests that Democrats lost voters in many demographics, and only gained with those that earned over $ 100,000 a year. So my question is this: Is being able to fight and vote for social justice causes like Womens and LGBTQ rights a privilege that many middle and lower income families and voters do not or cannot think about when they can barely afford food and rent? (There are obviously many other issues that led to Harris losing, racism and misogyny among them, and I am not discounting them by any means)

I'm not a tall man, but I am a disaster

mostly a question for Cecil, as a moderately fit person in my early 40s, what could I expect from a beginner fencing class. will I get bullied by 14 year Olds who know what their doing?

James Klock

Here's a question for the show. Before the election, there were some people saying that a loss for Trump could spell the end of the Republican Party (which was originally a splinter group of the Whigs, starting in 1854). Do you think that this result could instead lead to the end of the Democratic party?


See Democrats have to solve a Rubik's Cube blindfolded in 0.25 milliseconds while winning the NYC marathon and graduating Valedictorian from the best school imaginable. Republicans have to.. mimic oral sex with a mic. It's quite simple, really.

Dave Pierson

How are you guys doing? I had a long discussion with my son about the results the morning after the election. It helped me to try to put this in perspective. I remember the cycles starting with Reagan and continuing through today. This is just another swing. Trump will do something and it will shift. Let's take care of each other and hang in there. On a side note, I think the Democrats did a very poor job of advertising all the things they did to fix the mess left behind by previous administrations. The CHIPS act is a prime example of the necessary shift in manufacturing jobs necessary for the next big technological advance. Instead they seemed fixed on the insane things the Trump and company were saying.

Sketchy Intentions, Disreputable Endeavors

Consider that since religious conservatives have taken over the political right, the American Republican party has become like a religion itself. This especially applies to how its members are encouraged to accept whatever "reality" best suits them (i.e. alternative facts, malicious migrant caravans & border invasions, Jewish space lasers, Justice department conspiracies to indict/convict Trump of supposedly non-existent crimes, etc.), regardless of evidence. And republicans are expected to rely upon social validation to uphold and perpetuate these beliefs and agendas. If you accept this premise, then, just as with trying to convince religious people to see the rationality of atheism, pointing to solid evidence will only change the minds of a certain percentage of people. This is assuming that they would even hear you out. So how do we (1) actually get Republicans to listen in the first place and (2) appeal to emotions (or whatever is needed beyond direct evidence itself) to actually persuade Republicans to vote differently? (More or less, I'm just asking that you merely fix all of American politics in your answer to my questions!)

Big black cockatoo

I'm in Australia. How can I help? This changes everything for the world and it sucks.

Jonathan Carlson

Question for the show. After this most recent election, how can we as men, show up for the woman in our lives?

Adam Burress

I've been trying to think of ways to help immigrants if mass deportations really start. I find myself single because my wife passed from cancer a few years ago, I'm wondering if I can marry someone and help them get citizenship. I don't know if it's feasible or even a good idea. I'm just thinking if it really comes down to it, that's something I would be willing to do if it could save someone. What do you guys think?

Host - History of Money, Banking, and Trade

I was thinking about something. Since Trump has indicated that he wants to implement his insane tariff policy, we think about what to do. The thing I’d recommend is if you thinking about buying an expensive item, such as a new car I’d do it soon, as in December or early January by the latest because that new car will be much more expensive. A car is a great example because if you were to buy it new, then you could easily hold off from buying another car(s) over the next four years. Therefore, it could be part of our collective resistance as in we won’t fuel a far right republican economy. So in essence you are helping yourself, and helping the resistance.

Host - History of Money, Banking, and Trade

Since I read a lot of economic history, one of the questions that pretty much everyone has is “what caused the Great Depression?” It’s a very complex issue but if I were drill it down to 3 major points they would be: 1. Extreme was leverage taken out in the U.S. In part, it was because the Fed kept rates too low, for too long. The reason the Fed did this was because it was trying to protect the Pound, not the dollar because everyone was on the gold standard and thus the keeping US rates down allowed gold to stay in the UK, to prop up the Pound Sterling. This all came to a head when Benjamin Strong, head of the New York Fed died in 1928. Strong was close to Montagu Norman, who was head of the Bank of England. 2. The Gold Standard meant that each government wanted to protect its gold reserves. One way to protect gold is to keep interest rates higher. This is fine, until an economic crisis hits and the federal reserve has to make a choice between keeping its gold reserves or allowing rates to drop to stimulate the economy. Unfortunately, the Fed kept rates high, when it should have lowered them. 3. And the point of the post. The United States implemented the Hawley–Smoot Tariff in 1930 by Herbert Hoover. This was absolutely terrible for global economies as the rest of the world saw the largest economy out tariffs on over 20,000 imported goods and decided to retaliate. This caused a massive plunge in GDP in the US and worldwide. U.S. exports fell by over 30% as the depression was just starting. Even Canada retaliated. You gotta be some kind of dick to piss off the Canadians. In the end, the U.S. and Germany were hit the hardest, in large part because of insane tariffs.

Maddy Love

Im trans, married to a cis woman for 28 years...I have no question, just wanted a place to FUUUUUUCKKKKK!!!! Where i was confident people would completely understand

Ian (no, not that one)

Please read all the questions before answering aloud. Who would play you in the Cognitive Dissonance movie? Who would play your opposite host? What about Ian (yes, that one)? Sara?


Would you go no-contact with eggnog enjoyers in your life?

Mary Ballard-Johansson

Ok. If you could live anywhere else in the world, now that the US is a shit country, where would it be? I moved from Mississippi to Sweden nearly 25 years ago. Yes, it was an upgrade of monumental proportions.