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10 Takeaways From Trump’s Win on Election Night 2024 - The New York Times

Half of Gen Z voters say they’ve lied about their votes: Survey



Richard Stifle

Hey guys, I wanted to share this idea hope you’ll share it on the show. Reddit obviously allows anybody to create a subreddit for anything. Today I created a new user account for privacy reasons and created a subreddit called r/queeractiongreeley for my home town to coordinate and educate queer folks in my small home town of Greeley Colorado. I then shared it to state politics subreddits, more broad LGBTQ+ advocacy subreddits and the local town subreddit (there is a good chance any town of like 50k or more people has one). So far I’m kind of basing it on the Where There’s Woke model and I’m collating information right now about our local school board including the members stances, recent news stories about the crazies coming to town, resources for people to speak at meetings or volunteer with the district, and I’ll be adding information on running for local offices in the town like mayor and city council. Within 6 hours I have thirty members on the subreddit. Within a narrow focus, I think I might be able to genuinely move the needle, and the more people we have in local offices, the easier states can resist the coming federal policies however they can.


Colorado was obviously one of the first states to legalize cannabis, in defiance of Federal law. In that spirit, I think we can do this, too.


Anyone who doesn't vote has no right to complain about anything political. There's no difference between nonvoters and cousin Eddie in Christmas Vacation: "He's holding out for a managerial position." If you don't go to interviews, employers don't come knocking on your door, just JWs. If you don't apply to universities, they're not keeping a place open for you. If you skip out on a date, they aren't going to wait for you. If you don't vote, politicians aren't going to try to get your vote. You have indicated that you don't care. You don't matter.


Holy crap you guys! I grew up in SW Florida and lived there for 20 years. Your comparison to feeling like a hurricane is coming is a feeling I am VERY familiar with. Also like to add that sometimes the hurricane isn’t too bad, or the worst of it passes outside of your town. But sometimes it gets stronger and heads right for you and either way you can only prepare. I’m not in the best financial spot but I have a good career and I’m going to try to stockpile meds if I can. Not just for the women that I know, but also for me because I’m a newly out trans woman! I’m so worried about the future but if we all stick together they can’t win forever! Peace and love to you guys. You’ve kept me sane through the years with all your humor and realness!


Man I've been having those arguments about 'protest not votes' over on Reddit and it just baffles me that people think not voting will tell the democrats to move left. I see enough about that and gaza that I am wondering if there has been an intentional campaign using those points to get left leaning people not to vote. None of it makes any sense so I just don't see it spontaneously occurring to as many people as it seems to have.

Mara S.

A lot of the conversation surrounding this election loss seems to be missing a critical point. It doesn't matter what solutions you propose or enact, if the voting public cannot differentiate between facts and lies. Your policy platforms do not matter if people can't discern which things actually happened, and which didn't. You could pass a $35 minimum wage tomorrow and unless people are able to connect their pay increase to your legislative action, they will not reward you for it at the ballot box. We are caught up in a vast information war where conspiracy theories and propaganda have saturated the television screens and social media feeds of the voting public, leaving them confused, angry, and tapped out. Democracy doesn't work if people do not occupy a shared reality. Engagement-driven algorithms have distorted our collective perception of the world so drastically that people cannot determine what any given candidate has actually accomplished, or even what they stand for. For crying out loud, we've got voters who have abandoned the most basic, bedrock underpinnings of reality, like the fact that we live on a planet, or that germs cause disease. It's just absolute bugfucking chaos out there. Old-school "grassroots democracy" does not solve the problems of a post-truth society. If we cannot get a handle on disinformation, we cannot fix things. Ever.

Dave Pierson

I agree with you. Globally we are living in the phase of the information age where truth doesn't matter. People believe what they want and other groups/governments know that and exploit it. The past 5 elections show that.

Dave Pierson

As always, a great show. I agree with the "what's next/now what?". We do need to keep track of a lot of things going on with the administration and globally. We do need to take care of each other and protecting the vulnerable. But, we need to work on defending and protecting the sovereignty of the nation. We are in a crazy moment in time with many variables that can affect other variables. Do what you can from where you able and, as Cecil said, call it out when you see it.

Aaron Rodriguez

I’m creating a database for people in my community to go through. Any local business owner who donated substantial money to local Republicans and/or Trump is going on the list with their business highlighted. This way local progressive/leftist people can choose if they would like to patronize businesses who don’t have their interests at heart.

Richard Stifle

I would love to hear how your getting this data. If you are on Reddit, can you hit me up at u/queer-action-greeley?

Josh Masterson

I was stress baking too on election night 😞


I disagree w much of what you two were talking about. Like I see your points, I can see the logic of them but I can’t agree. I can’t welcome trump voters and the ones who didn’t vote, to my metaphorical table. He called us “the enemy within”. They agreed and voted for it. My family relies on SSI, Link and Medicaid to survive. They voted to destroy those programs. I have family that are LGBTQ, they voted against their rights and humanity. He was clear on what his policy really was and it wasn’t the economy, it was hate. Everyone could see through the economic bullshit he was spinning, Cecil just said farmers begged him not to do the tariffs but they voted for him anyway, why? Bc the cruelty, the hate, was the point. My daughter has less rights now and will have even less in the future and they knew it and they voted for it. So, no. I can’t welcome them to my table or my life. They voted for harm and I want no part of that. The ones who didn’t vote are just as guilty as the ones who did bc they couldn’t even muster the interest to vote against the hate. They chose apathy in the face of bigotry (as Noah says in his diatribe) and that’s their legacy now and they’re not welcome here. Everyone knew what was at stake and the consequences and they voted for it anyway. After 9 years, you can’t claim ignorance anymore. They don’t get that excuse.

Cognitive Dissonance Podcast

I think your presuming that everyone is as plugged in to what trump says as you are. Looking over data it looks like there were a lot of low information voters that didn't either believe that stuff or they never heard it. Exit polling shows it was the economy and immigration are the main drivers of Trump voters. Trump provided answers that while untrue gave the people who voted for him a reason to change the system. Our voting block is too small to think it can win again without changing how we communicate with those voters. If we presume that everyone that voted for trump, or chose not to vote, were only motivated by hate then there is no rebuilding anything. If that's the case then It's all lost and I refuse to believe that.


Thank you for the response, seriously I appreciate it. Love y’all. I have typed out and deleted like so many responses and I might just have to write an email bc my responses are wordy and probably scattershot. Although tbf, I don’t know if it would be more kind to subject y’all to a long rambling “weave” email either. I want to be wrong about this, I really do.


That’s very sweet, thank you. You might not be able to tell but I want you to know, I will proofread it first. So, whatever awful rambling thing I send you guys just know that I looked at it and said “yeah, that.”

We can feed everybody

Cecil, totally with you on the bad mood Wednesday and realizing I needed to move on and focus on threats as they emerge, for real, not just potential threats. I work at a food bank. Instant gratification charity isn't any longer term answer, but helps and feels good right now. If you are in the DC area, join our Saturday distribution and feed 1,000 families- sowhatelse.org.


Great minds think alike. I posted on my Facebook page that I was feeling lonely and wanted to start a humanist group in my area. I live in a rural area in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan. I had several people who reached out already. We are having a planning meeting on Saturday.

Milo StrangeMenagerie.com Caruso

The Ceramics community is a bastion of progressive polpolitics . My wife runs a community ceramics studio on Cape Cod and has been forced into the roll of therapist for many students.


I get it. I went through a range of emotions when 'Mur'ca decided a supernova dumpster fire was the best way forward. Fortunately, I don't have family that voted for him, and I've only lost one friend that couldn't stand being challenged. But, the principle of charity is a much better way to respond. Their messiah-god-king duped the public - it's a wrangled topic of causes - that's how cons work. Plus, he wasn't alone in that effort. If at any point they finally realize they were duped, don't hold it against them. Until then, make sure they know how their choices affected your daughter. I get why zoomers decided not to vote, Harris was shit at handling topics that actually mattered to them. However, that's no excuse, and I'm not going to let them off the hook and allow them to talk about politics. Not voting is like not going to a job interview. If you* don't show up, you don't matter and you don't get to say shit about it. Take care. *Not you specifically.


I appreciate you. I appreciate your commiseration so thank you, really. I’m working through my feelings but they’ve not changed since I posted this comment. I still owe the guys that email though. I’m on draft 5-6 at this point but only in my head.