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Richard Stifle

Hey guys, I wanted to share this idea hope you’ll share it on the show. Reddit obviously allows anybody to create a subreddit for anything. Today I created a new user account for privacy reasons and created a subreddit called r/queeractiongreeley for my home town to coordinate and educate queer folks in my small home town of Greeley Colorado. I then shared it to state politics subreddits, more broad LGBTQ+ advocacy subreddits and the local town subreddit (there is a good chance any town of like 50k or more people has one). So far I’m kind of basing it on the Where There’s Woke model and I’m collating information right now about our local school board including the members stances, recent news stories about the crazies coming to town, resources for people to speak at meetings or volunteer with the district, and I’ll be adding information on running for local offices in the town like mayor and city council. Within 6 hours I have thirty members on the subreddit. Within a narrow focus, I think I might be able to genuinely move the needle, and the more people we have in local offices, the easier states can resist the coming federal policies however they can.


I’m in Australia, and the only interruption to the episode (on apple podcasts) was a message from Medicare. Like a warm reminder that for all the ills of the political system here, we are incomparably better off than the US when it comes to healthcare. I was born in France, still a French citizen, so I grew up with universal health care too. I just cannot fathom the hell you guys have ti go through just trying to stay alive.


Here's a story for you. The Onion Says It Has Bought Infowars, Alex Jones’s Site, Out of Bankruptcy https://www.nytimes.com/2024/11/14/business/media/alex-jones-infowars-the-onion.html?smid=nytcore-android-share

Haeley Curry

The woman mentioned is getting her surgery now because she finally figured out the right super secret form to have the doctor fill out to request the same surgery by the same surgeon he asked for the first time. Medical side quests is the perfect description.


Moronic conservatives went on and on about "death panels" are going to kill grandma. Then when we get hit with a pandemic, moronic conservatives are all saying, "End the lock downs. Grandma is willing is take one for the economy."


FINALLY!!!!! InfoWARS will become more factual than it has ever been.

John Tanzer

The terrifying solution is to use AI to fight AI https://fighthealthinsurance.com/


I want to know what the rest of Cecil's "Jesus Saves" shirt says.