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Trump Voters Got What They Wanted - The Atlantic

Live updates: Day 2 of election results coverage - LGBTQ Nation

 Wait... What? Folks In Red States Google Searched 'How To Change My Vote' In Droves After Trump's Victory

Once an Atheist Hero, Elon Musk Now Says He Believes in the Teachings of Christ

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. repeatedly suggested that chemicals in water are impacting sexuality of children | CNN Politics 

Trump's defense choice stuns the Pentagon and raises questions about the Fox News host's experience

With a push from RFK Jr., baseless fears about fluoride go mainstream

Young People Are Struggling to Deal With Their Trump Supporter Parents — Again | Teen Vogue


Nathan Barksdale

I love you guys. Thank you for this. In my family we are not talking about Trump unless we need to take action against him. The best way to fight him is to deflate his fat mouth. Life is bigger than Trump. We need to enjoy the spaces that he can't occupy unless we let him.


As a public health dentist, I can't help but shake my head in disbelief. A colleague, also concerned, joked, "At least it's job security." He's right, unfortunately.

Diego Guzmán

I'm so happy you're going back to the skeptic/atheist roots, and with humor. That's why I started listening, and I have missed that so much.


"Politics is the art of looking for trouble, finding it everywhere, diagnosing it incorrectly and applying the wrong remedies." - Groucho Marx. This also describes the dem's campaign strategies in action. The reasons for Harris losing are multitude (to quote the demons, "We are legion."). It does seem that the dems often fail to read the room when the stakes are high. It's almost like they "win" because America gets tired of the republicans. Neither party gives a shit about the working middle class, and I believe that's because politicians are the wealthy's proxies in gov't; they allow the wealthy to do their own thing without having to be bothered with running the gov't. Now, they're bored and looking to conquer the gov't, which they already own. Plus, the republicans are just better at fooling people into believing they care more (or at least making them care about the wrong things to distract them from reality - that's the power of fearmongering). They are just better con artists than the dems. People vote on belief, not policy. And if they believe that crime is up and the economy is down, they'll blame the current figure head and vote 'em out. Reason has nothing to do with politics, it never has.

Glenda D Kenyon

Thank you guys for being a humor island amiss the chaos. Looking forward to listening as we get through this together. I know I'm a week late to the "talk about your community" call, but The Ethical Humanist Society of Chicago is my community and I would love to invite anyone who would like to join us for our Sunday programs (and other groups and actions) to come. www.ethicalhumanistsociety.org


The "Fox and Friends" guy isn't part of the S-tier "Fox and Friends". He's a weekend host. He's like the weatherman who has to work Thanksgiving and Christmas when no one is watching and when you flip past it looking for something to watch you're like "whose this guy?".

Sketchy Intentions, Disreputable Endeavors

I think it needs to be said that people won't vote for sanity if and when they don't understand what is happening (low info voters). This recent bout of inflation was an inevitable consequence of the pandemic, both in that most governments passed enormous stimulus packages and that many companies reduced production and capacity to trade (i.e. fewer cargo ships/workers). In the post pandemic recovery, it is taking years to recover the same production and trade capacity levels, which reduces "supply" & drives up prices. Meanwhile, the glut of expendable cash (especially for the middle class and above) led to unprecedented high demands for everything. There are, of course, other issues as well, including companies that have taken advantage of the expectation of higher prices and have artificially raised prices because they could get away with it. There is no, and never will be, any way to reduce prices again. This inflation is baked in -- in large part because that 3.5 trillion dollars of stimulus is already in the economy, and it won't ever be pulled back out. Workers can only hope for increasing wages, which Democrats have fought for. No amount of government intervention could have prevented the inflation after the stimulus was passed. The stimulus was politically expedient. Everyone was happy when the stimulus checks were coming in, but they don't want to know about, nor accept, the consequences of that choice. People won't take responsibility for their choices if and when they turn out to have downsides. This is why Trump's (and friends') message of blaming the immigrants is so popular. This was the same true about the Great recession in 2008, which had many people refusing to admit that they too contributed to the problem by accepting to buy houses that they couldn't afford (and they should have known better). Politicians and the people alike only blamed the real estate and finance industries, which did deserve some of the blame, but not all of it. Rest assured that, in the next recession, Americans will not take any personal responsibility for buying cars that cost about their annual salary, and houses that cost about 5-7 times as much. The Republicans will immediately forget their claims of wanting a small, non-intrusive government and will demand action from the politicians to shield themselves from their past choices. Per usual, yet inexplicably, immigrants, "non-traditional" (non-Christian) values, and possibly Muslims will be to blame. The Democrats didn't "abandon the American worker". The truth is that the Republicans could not (and certainly would not) have done any better. Sadly, Trumps vague and useless "concepts of plans" may sound better than the economic reality for many Americans during these last several years. But, the failure is in the Democrats not finding a way to explain this situation, and saying that the Republicans have no real nor definable plans, because there is no way around these problems. Inflation has happened and now we need to fight for higher wages across the board. But, at least, I now know that 10s of millions of my fellow countrymen prefer the convicted rapist and his "concepts of plans".

Pete Grebus

I'm not sure that I agree that the stimulus was the driver of inflation. It was a one-time infusion of cash to people that needed it most (and in some cases, didn't). For this to be a permanent cause of inflation, there would have to be a constraint on private lending, which is not the case. I think the bigger problem is that Economists are really bad about talking to people about the economy. Fore example, every time I hear "wages are going up faster than inflation", I cringe. This assumes all resources can flow seamlessly to new positions based on any level of pay increase, and we're all getting a higher wage. It's as if Bill Gates walked into a room, and on average we all got smarter and wealthier.

Pete Grebus

Perhaps I'm still to angry, but giving anyone that voted for Trump a pass because they're not "really" for Trump doesn't work for me at any level. It's the no true Scotsman fallacy applied to Republicans. They voted for him, and they voted for the worst things he stands for. Similarly, I want senate and congressional republican's hands to be stained with every Trump policy and appointment in the congressional record. Let that be their legacies.

Cognitive Dissonance Podcast

I don't think we said everyone. If we did that was not the intent. We've seen a misinformation campaign by the right to sane wash and lie about Trump for years. The people who are in the right wing echo chambers and are stuck there might be there because they are bad people but they also could be victims of misinformation. Some people don't follow politics like we do. I think our anger at the people that knowingly voted for Trump is clouding our perception of all of the people who pulled that lever. The second part of your comment I agree with 100%. The people in politics have no excuse.

Lisa Ham

I look forward to hearing more of your infectious laughter!


The thing that makes me crazy is people that say they don't support "woke policies" but then when you ask what specifically they have a problem with, they don't actually have any idea. Also glad to hear you guys are going back to the funny stuff. I miss hearing about god multiplying someone's spaghetti or whatever other zany stories...