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Cops Searching for Vigilante Who Installed NSFW Traffic Signs in Colorado

'Disgusting and completely unacceptable' head kick after pickleball tournament loss goes viral - ABC News

Lindt admits its chocolate isn't actually 'expertly crafted with the finest ingredients' 

The Onion wins auction for Alex Jones' media company

Americans upset about Trump win offered '€1 houses' in Italian village of Ollolai | US News

A new eagle camera is going live in Minnesota to the delight of global viewers | AP News

US cruise company offering four-year escape during Trump presidency | US News

$344 for a Coffee? Scottish Farm Is Selling UK's Most Expensive Cup



mike Mackenzie-Grieve

When it comes to Thanksgiving I have friends in England only some families do, I think it's ones with ties to America. Japan I don't think does, they know about it I could see it being more of a sale thing there Sorry my mind is all over today.

Jay Voigt

What kind of a monster would eat a kangaroo? 😟

Matt Hiller

I love Tony's Chocoloney! It's worth getting

We can feed everybody

My wife totally endorses Tony's. About tempering- Rittersport packaging is actually designed so you crack the bar to rip the package open (according to the factory tour).

Winter wiorkowski

I have a friend in South Africa that had a plastic Santa melt to his driveway (remember it is the southern hemisphere so the seasons are reversed)

Winter wiorkowski



Watching the video of the pickleball match, it does not appear to be a "poor winner" issue. He knocked the paddle out of the other guy's hand then reached down to pick it up for him, hardly the act of a poor winner dumping of the defeated. The excitement of winning isn't the same as being a poor winner. Kicking him in the face is definitely the sign of a poor loser and he deserves to be banned. The guy was knocked out for three hours.

Jason Rucker

Aldi has really good German chocolate for a great price. That's where I get Christmas chocolates.

Douglas JM

Very misleading misunderstanding of The Onion winning the bid for Jones's stuff: The families DID NOT push for The Onion to win because they would then be cut in on the profits. The families joined in The Onion's bid by agreeing to reduced settlement payments if The Onion won. This would greatly reduce the debt obligations of Info Wars, meaning that even though The Onion's cash bid was lower, the total real value of the bid was significantly higher. I realize you guys recorded this a while ago and may have a better understanding of it now, but I think this is worth correcting. The "they were just in it for the money all along" narrative doesn't need a boost from a misunderstanding like this.

Cognitive Dissonance Podcast

I think that's an uncharitable analysis of what was said. In this article that is what the trustee said: https://www.reuters.com/world/us/alex-jones-affiliated-company-challenges-onions-infowars-purchase-2024-11-18/ "The Onion's bid was valued at $7 million, in large part because a majority of the Sandy Hook families agreed to accept a percentage of future revenues from the new Infowars instead of taking an up-front payment from the sale, according to Murray." I don't think the tone of that was that they were in it for the money. I think the tone of that segment was that it was an equitable bid and it would be a travesty for the judge to choose Jones' sock puppet company. At least that was my intent when I mentioned it.

Douglas JM

Ah, so what I read had glossed over the explanation of the deal, sorry for going off half-cocked like that. I certainly wasn't trying to say that your tone implied they were in it for the money, just that "certain people" will run with this detail (likely not in good faith) so it's important to clarify that this deal isn't getting the families any *more* money than they were already awarded.

Lina Mulik

I’m in South America so Christmas feels out of place here. The Christmas tree framed by palm trees and ocean is an odd image

Zac Zalles

Very surprised that the pickleball coverage was what it was. I assume the guys just watched the video once, took away an interpretation, and ran with it, but I'd expect more thought into the natural inclination as a man to justify violence. The comparisons were also off the mark, Cecil's involving initiated assault, and Tom's with the crucial point that he didn't give the trailwalkers brain damage. This does not change my perspective on Tom as having one of the most introspective perspectives on his masculinity that I've seen, but it does seem inconsistent with it.

I ride the moon and painted the clouds

Listening to you guys say “no way” to eight days at sea had me cracking up. I just hit my twentieth anniversary in the Navy.

Host - History of Money, Banking, and Trade

I used to go to Lifetime Fitness. It’s an upscale country club type gym. Once they put in pickleball courts, the members got so damn obnoxious that I decided to let my membership expire.

Diego Guzmán

Part of the controversy regarding zoos is driven by people that don't know or don't care about most zoos being about conservation, rehabilitation, and genetic representation now. They rehabilitate and release a lot of animals, and take care of animals that wouldn't survive in the wild. There's this "release the animals" feel good mentality that sometimes is more rewarding than learning that things are more complex... it is easier to just say "boo, zoo bad"

Tom Hail

2000 lbs of eagle shit.


I just have to mention…there is actually an Australian Xmas song called “Six White Boomers”. ( boomer is an old slang term for an old man kangaroo) who pull Santa ‘s sleigh in Australia. Just try to ignore the fact that it was written by a terrible person (Rolf Harris…old mate of Jimmy Saville). For two really great Australian Christmas songs for secular people written and performed by much better Artists I’d recommend “How to make Gravy” by Paul Kelly (check out the 2021 video version released during Covid lockdowns) and “White Wine in the Sun” by the fabulous Tim Minchin.