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Cops Searching for Vigilante Who Installed NSFW Traffic Signs in Colorado

'Disgusting and completely unacceptable' head kick after pickleball tournament loss goes viral - ABC News

Lindt admits its chocolate isn't actually 'expertly crafted with the finest ingredients' 

The Onion wins auction for Alex Jones' media company

Americans upset about Trump win offered '€1 houses' in Italian village of Ollolai | US News

A new eagle camera is going live in Minnesota to the delight of global viewers | AP News

US cruise company offering four-year escape during Trump presidency | US News

$344 for a Coffee? Scottish Farm Is Selling UK's Most Expensive Cup


Erik Farrar

Regarding the pickleball kick: I didn't appear to me that the kickee was being a sore winner. It looks like he's just really amped (weird, but fine) and the kicker was holding his paddle really loosely as he goes in for the "high five" or whatever, so he lost his grip. Why would the guy reach down to pick up his opponent's paddle if he genuinely meant to swat it out of his hand? Loser was an incredibly sore loser.


Tony’s Chocolonely!


I had the luck of finding a bald eagle chilling on a log by the side of the road when I was driving to work. He let me get about 15 feet from him while I recorded and then after a few minutes flew away. The dude was a GIANT. Maybe 3 1/2 ft tall. I can see how he would want a sturdy nest. 2000 lbs is crazy!


I asked a friend about Christmas in Australia, she said they have all the same songs and regalia, and even the cards showing winter time. When I asked her about it being the middle of summer, she said the winter scenes were all just part of the aesthetics.

Robbi Prior

Australian here - in reference to Kangaroos pulling a sleigh - “Six White Boomers,” tells the story of how the Australian heat is too much for Santa's reindeer. The song, popular with school-aged kids, explains that Santa's reindeer get a rest while six white boomers (boomer is Aussie slang for a male kangaroo) lead Santa's sleigh through Australia!

Zac Zalles

Completely agree with Erik about the pickleball kick, and very surprised that the coverage was what it was. I assume the guys just watched the video once, took away an interpretation, and ran with it, but I'd expect more thought into the natural inclination as a man to justify violence. The comparisons were also off the mark, Cecil's involving initiated assault, and Tom's with the crucial point that he didn't give the trailwalkers brain damage. This does not change my perspective on Tom as having one of the most introspective perspectives on his masculinity that I've seen, but it does seem inconsistent with it.

Mockingbird Nation

My dad is an abusive asshole but he was a GREAT baseball coach and he NEVER ever let his players be dicks about winning. If they lost they were calm and polite, if they won the rule was ‘you do not — on pain of being cut from the team — celebrate on the field. EVER. ‘

Willow Rae

What is the excellent, worth eating Gluten Free even if you aren’t GF cake secret?