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We interview a republican, We last 15 minutes. It's a horrible bit of tape. 



I disagreed. I think cecil ended the interview in the most appropriate manner the call deserved.

Richard Stifle

I love that this call here is probably the most exposure they’ve ever gotten, being hung up on my Tom and Cecil.

Shane Partington

Looking forward to hearing what your breaking point was?

Dean Paxton

Bout to dive in. Hope I don't off myself after hearing it


I contracted eye herpes after looking at her Facebook page.


Sorry, I hate to agree. Heard you ask "Why?" for the first question. Nope. We're off to a bad start. I don't mind you doing that for someone with an action group, or a conjecture. But to say that to someone who is going to feel attacked by literally anything you say, nope. And I feel sorry to say this, because I know you are just trying to give your audience what they want. I hope this doesn't make you jaded for the future, and you look back with humour in the coming weeks.


I listened to the entire interview, and I think you were fine. Tom's interview style is too ask why and to clarify until it's super plain and she just kept giving talking points and equivicating. She just kept saying she did research without citations. It's reasonable to hit a point of frustration and disengage.


Admittedly, I don't. Given the same situation with someone who wasn't "I'm in a lions den" from the outset, or who didn't have a script set to "Make the sheeple understand", you probably would have gotten away with it. And I would have done the same if I were in the same situation. Live and learn as the adage goes.

Matthew Brown

I honestly enjoyed this, even though it was a bad interview. And, the ending was just superb - I felt like I was a kid again sitting at home on a saturday morning watching PeeWee's Playhouse and someone said the Word of the Day...I almost expected Klaxons and horns signifying the introduction of the man, the myth, the legend...the name we all knew was coming...George "Satan Himself" Soros...

Michael Rops

Ouch. I don't think I could have gone on much longer, the only thing I think I would have asked given a bit more time would be 'So wait, there are plenty of people on the left who weren't happy with Bernie getting interrupted, campus protestors blocking access to speakers, and shouting down of Ben Shapiro, that didn't suddenly make them believe in God and Guns and Big Ass Belt Buckles. There has to be something else driving you to the right. Afterall, it seems to me that the things you're complaining about, shutting down speech and such happens as much if not more on the right. What is it that's driving you right?' My guess is that she would have just continued talking about George Soros. What's the difference between Soros and and Adelson? Adelson expects shit to happen for his money.

Martin Fidel

I appreciate you trying to get a Republican atheist on the show, but man could I not follow her logic. I appreciate your attempt at this show, and I hope you're able to find a good intelocutor, but unfortunately I was unable to find logic to follow.

Charone Frankel, host of the delightful podcast Habeas Humor

Yes, maybe the "why" and "how" questions could have been phrased more neutrally. At the same time, they are legit inquiries justified by the contradictions between atheism and Republicanism. This woman has no logic or consistency. She simply is anti-poor people and brown people while also happening to not believe in God. So, Republican Atheism it is.

Thomas Assunto

Really, it was the moment she said that she started following politics during the 2016 election that clarified the rest of the interview. She has no idea that the religious right and the Republican party have been intertwined over the last several decades. When Tom was asking about that her it sounded just like random words were coming out of her mouth while she was trying to figure what the hell Tom was talking about. Her political awareness started less than a year ago and she has vague memories of occupy from college and that is it. I really think she just jumped the gun on embraceing Republicans before she knew what that really meant.


I don't understand this. Is this basically a single issue voter?


I commend Tom for trying to balance that against the traditional (often religiously derived) policies that voting Republican would encourage. You gotta reeeaaaallllly hate protests if you're happy to carry that baggage. I think on Facebook she said you were closing us off to new insights... I'm not sure she had a great deal to offer, so I wouldn't lament it over much. She did sound a little nervous to me though.

A turn knees general

Sounds to me she had a list of things she wanted to say. She restarted the same taking point a few times in order to complete them. Your questions were good, but she seemed uninterested in them.


After listening to this whole thing, I have come to the conclusion that I'm going to protest research and research protest to protest. 🐎💩

Michael Rops

So I'm always trying to find something nice about a person. At least she's more coherent in her political views than Robert Price...... :P

Irish Wristwatch

Did you guys actually laugh her off like that? If so that made this cringe fest worth it at the last second.

Irish Wristwatch

Beautiful. Made it all worth it for me. Maybe have someone more coherent next time, eh? 👌

Henrik Holmgren-Jensen

I'm glad we got to hear this, but more so, I am glad you decided not to publish it to the main. This was clearly a super nervous young woman, who had been caught up in some unfortunate world views, and desperately tried to get them taken seriously by a pair of seasoned professional internet smartasses. She really didn't stand much of a chance.

Ricky Burnett

She just seems like another of those "so called" single issue voters who decided that liberals are mean to people and therefore she's going to join the side that makes being mean to people their explicit political platform. I don't get it. Either she is woefully ignorant to the world or the whole talking point is disingenuous.


That was both painfully cringe-worthy, and wholly entertaining at the same time. It was like watching The Office all over again, and being in on the joke that Michael Scott has no self-awareness.

John McGimpsey

I'm ambivalent about even posting the interview here. Most of what she said sounded to me like the hyper-sincere hyper-naïve bluster typical of youth new to a cause (been there!). I'd have been tempted to end the interview, thank her for her time and drop it as just something that didn't work out for the show. Give her another couple of political cycles and she could turn into a worthy adversary, or maybe a worthy ally, but she was way too unaware that she was no longer the smartest kid in the room.

Finger me rectum

She sounded confused in what she "thought". When the soros came up made me think of a buddy who's a Alex jones sharer and always asks me if I stand with him. But then I bring up the Koch brothers and he doesn't respond.

Christopher Arguin

One of the problems in science is that scientists don't publish thier failures... so maybe you're helping fellow podcasters with this? Just trying to find the positive :) oh gawd, I'm still listening and she just mentioned Bob Price. Nevermind.

Nik Bunting

I'm glad you chose to post it. It's a bad interview, but you both (Cecil and Tom) genuinely tried to make it work. I think that's the hardest I ever heard Tom work at anything. :D Glory hole.

The Gray Hunter

OMG.... you shut her down.... just like she said you would!!!!! OK, I'm teasing. She's a one issue kinda gal with too many RW propaganda sites as "research". And I'm just like you. You mention Soros and I'm done too. That ol' dog whistle. Ugh! What could've been next? The 1st Amendment? Then you would have had to explain that one is not immune to the consequences of what one can freely say in public.... ugh! It's like arguing with a fundie over tired old talking points that have been debunked since Ancient Rome.

Simo Hyttinen

There was literally no substance to the whole thing. She wasn't answering questions and apparently expected to be given a platform to freely spout off whatever conspiracy bullshit she wanted to.


I had 4 minutes left and was really wondering what made you break and then the last 15 seconds happened. That's fuckin hilarious to be perfectly honest


Wow. You were not a dick at all. You were trying to be as nice as possible it sounded like. I'd have reacted the same way, but probably wouldn't have been able to have as much self control.

Christina Fierro

That was the best part. Tom was like "...and who else is in your group?" *crickets*


I don't think you guys did a bad job. She wasn't a great spokesperson for her party. She used generalisations to justify her weak arguments.

F.A.G.G. (Fat Atheist Gay Guy)

Not on you guys. She sounded like some conservative gal who finally registered Republican... big woop. Nothing to do with critical thinking or Atheism at all... if Soros is so free with his money, where is my check?


Sounds like she did all her "research" on r/the_donald

Valerie Vaile

This was incredibly boring up until Cecil heard "Soros." She doesn't deserve to be on the show. Maybe someday there will be an intelligent conservative atheist to talk to... oh, wait... 🤔

The Gray Hunter

Conservatives do atheism the way they do comedy..... badly.

Sarah Fullerton

Naïve? What part sounded naïve? The 'oh oh I don't know, I'm new to politics. It's a new movement I don't actually know the players' or 'you know stuff and such' or 'the only social movements I know of are the ones that happened during my live, so I can dismiss the fact that i, a woman, have any rights what so ever is because of women who yelled down sexist ideas'. Christ I'm twenty-eight and I thought she was naïve.

Sarah Fullerton

What's with the right and stating everything the say as freedom of speech so they can yell down whomever they want. But when the tables turn, it's boo hoo censorship. That's all this interview was!

The Recovering Gringo

A couple things. First I thought both of you were incredibly tolerant and tried to get something out of the interview. Second, I agree that I don't understand how you can be an atheist and republican. I consider myself a conservative, but I left the republican party in 2000 when they nominated W (I supported McCain in that primary; I also supported Bush Sr who was the first president I voted for). I still consider myself conservative in the sense of what I was brought up to believe what were conservative principles; limited government, personal freedom and equality for all( and no I'm not a Bernie guy or a classical liberal). The republican party is no longer (and hasn't been for a while) a conservative party any more than the democratic party is particularly liberal.


She sounded exactly like a politician. She'll either be a major republican candidate or someone with a conservative talk radio show before long.

Brian Masters

Yep, sweeping generalizations, nameless groups, George Soros... May as well interview Alex Jones

Emanuel Stephens

is she sure that she attended college? maybe she researched the application process

Makenz Peterson

You talked to her at least five minutes longer than I would have. ...this is painful. She joined up with a group she admits she knows nothing about and claims she did her research....

Ray Hendrickson

I think the interview would have been better if you could have asked more about being atheist. She obviously is not a skeptic so I wonder how she became an atheist. I did gather that Republicans are not beating down the doors to join her group.

The Recovering Gringo

There's nothing about being an athiest that requires one to be a skeptic. An athiest could be hippy dippy neo-pagan (talk to Noah). I was a skeptic when I professed religion, I'm now an angry skeptic, but evidence was always what my family and quite honestly my church, stood behind (I'm really have nothing but myself to be angry about, but that provides a lot of anger).

Lynne Barrow

The end reminded me of when Matt Dillahunty hung up on a guy when he found out he was a solipsist.

Cynthia Francis

You gave it a valiant effort. She had a few ideas she wanted to bring up and couldn't answer questions to clarify those points. Because she clearly hadn't thought them through, she's just spouting off keywords she's read on propaganda sites. When she listed the two people in her group, I could tell it would be quickly downhill. I don't blame you at all for ending the interview when you did. It was a waste of everyone's time. Thanks for posting anyway.


That was painful. I feel embarrassed for her.


Fucking hell. She is the incarnation of all the "Solidarity is for White Women" feminism that was and is throwing women of colour, LGBTQI and sex worker rights under the bus

Adorable Bastard

Thank you for posting, I don't think this is at all a waste. It's really interesting, and I agree with the analysis in the beginning. She took the question "How can you be a Republican and an Atheist" and spun it in to, basically, "Conservatives are victims." I would be really curious where she gets her news. As an Atheist Conservative, I can't stand any Conservative news site because there are so many appeals to religion. Wherever she gets news, it sounds like it's basically the same victim narrative as Fox News with very little emphasis on fact. I don't say that as an insult- her big draw to politics was "Some ladies took a microphone from Bernie" and he didn't throw a fit about it. I'm not trying to be toxic, but if you spliced in clips from this in to a Republican talk radio show I honestly couldn't tell the difference.

Bill Garthright

Thanks for posting this. I find it interesting that she hasn't paid attention to politics for very long. When she started, she became a libertarian, of all things, and now she seems to get all of her information from right-wing sources. I've been following politics for a half-century, and it's hard for me to see how anyone can still be a Republican. But if you weren't even following politics during the George W. Bush administration, maybe it's easy to be persuaded by whatever internet group you find first? No, I guess I still don't understand it...

Mike Koeppen

Being an Atheist has nothing to do with your political affiliation. Being an atheist just means you do not believe there is a god. That is all we have in common as a group. I would have liked you to hammer her more on the party's seemingly prerequisite to have a belief in a god to be a member. She dodged that question as fast as she could.

Christopher Dalpe

Did you provide her a list of questions prior to the interview? That could have helped her prepare real answers rather than just having her script ready to go.

Evidence Monkey

You toughed out that conversation longer than I would have, gents. People with informed opinions can absolutely disagree and that informed disagreement would've made for an interesting conversation. "Informed" being the key word there.

Blue Gemini

When Jeff Dee and Matt both shout "YOU'RE A SOLOPSIST???" Classic.

Blue Gemini

I like how her group literally includes two people and she's talking about board members. Yeah, me and my dog are the board members of my house XD


My god was that ending savage. I haven't laughed like that since The Great Neapolitan Scandal.

Proxy Fox

It feels like she had a speech prepared, not an interview. She was ignoring questions and got flustered at any interjections. I'm only a little over half her age and I could have done a better job just improvising an interview.

Shitter McGavin

Did she say the other guy was Robert Price? I remember him from the 4th paywall podcast. That guy is shitburgers crazy town.

Aya Sakurai

I think you two were very civil and patient, trying to explain to her your interest in having a conversation, not listening to her life story or one-way manifesto. I nearly died laughing when she reluctantly admitted that her "group" is consisted of just her and "Bob." XD


I agree, it seemed that she unable to respond in real-time and reverted to talking points that she has heard before and repeated uncritically. I think sending some opening questions out ahead of time can be a good way to determine if the interview will or will not be a waste of time.


Robert McNair Price? The 63 year old non-historical Jesus republican?

Keith Davies

I like your honesty, and it really showed. Maybe feelings were hurt, but there isn't a doubt where you stand. Thanks for posting it here.

Keith Davies

As you said, though, a little more rope, and it seemed the racism would come out. Just the few dots that I was connecting.

Nick from CA

What I heard from her was the following: "I actually know almost nothing about policy, but I like order and for people to follow legitimate "white" authority. It makes me feel icky when people do not behave in ways I find legitimate and orderly; therefore, I am going to join the party that likes to suppress dissent in the name of free speech."

Nick from CA

I disagree that she just has her own opinions. She had terrible ideas that were inherently contradictory. As you probably are already aware, the best thing to do would have been to ask her questions to get her to show the contradictory and ill informed nature of her opinions.

Slam Nasty

It went nowhere, that's for certain. I wouldn't say worst interview ever because nothing much happened, and I wouldn’t even say you two weren’t cordial. But she is a straight-up robot; she went full stupid once she mentioned billionaires funding protests. Her core issue is seriously millennials protesting? That’s what she wastes her political concerns over? Lotsa luck getting an atheist group animated over that. Although, if she can find enough conservative atheists that believe that Soros garbage, then it sounds like they’re bad at critical thinking anyway, so she can have ‘em. I can't tell you how often I see conservatives verbally whipping the millennial straw man. I've started equating it to the counter-hippy response in the 60s when old people got all bent out of shape that college kids dared to protest and illegal and immoral war. It’s such a stupid, selfish, boogeyman thing to get hyper political over.


Just listened to this for the first time. Man, is this hard to get through. You can clearly hear Tom being like "Okay, no real way to segue anywhere from where she ended that, guess i'll just keep on keeping on." What baffles me is how her key motivator was the censorship. I mean, she didn't sound terribly well informed (despite the fact that she kept referring to the "research I've done"), but I really have to wonder how someone can overlook the power of Christianity on the right's trajectory and how that has impacted women, gays, muslims, transgender individuals, and citizens of all shapes and kinds, not even including immigrants and refugees. But yeah, they should have let them speak. :\

Becky Scott Fairley

I would love to see Thomas Smith or Marsh to interview her. Someone who could deal with the bullshit.

Narglefargle R. Uglyhead

You can't play chess with against someone who only knows how to play Tic-Tac-Toe.