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 Someone’s spotted Donald Trump’s ‘neck fanny’ and now we can’t unsee it




The Gray Hunter

Wait... Trump wants " the facts" now? Forget the alt-right & alt- left. What about the alt-facts????

The Gray Hunter

The reason they chop tails is, when these dogs were actually used for hunting, the big fluffy tails are too conspicuous and disturb the brush thereby scaring birds away. Anyway, that's what I heard.

Suzanne August

Amazing pics from Mongolia!

The Recovering Gringo

ok, Doberman owner here; Docking their ears is NOT to make them look mean (though it does have that effect). It does, however, give them the ability to track their ears like a shepherd which the floppy eared variety can't do. Tale docking serves no real purpose I'm aware of, but you are not likely to be able to get a doberman whose tail is not docked at birth. Also they have no fur, so so are better for people like my wife who are allergic to the entire planet. They (or my singular Thou) aren't bothered by it and, in the case of dobermans, are advantaged by it, so not really sure why people freak out about it; it's no different than spade/neutering. It's just making a choice for an animal that has no ability to object with no adverse consequence to that specific animal. <a href="http://b313ee1c6e2dac31a731-f3bdc151d9f1d2059755d9569be5bfda.r6.cf2.rackcdn.com/Ta%C3%ADna.jpg" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://b313ee1c6e2dac31a731-f3bdc151d9f1d2059755d9569be5bfda.r6.cf2.rackcdn.com/Ta%C3%ADna.jpg</a> (that's 95 lbs of muscle and teeth who will lick you to death; not sure how many licks that would take, but more than the owl takes). I also trim her nails (I have them ground down).

Adorable Bastard

It's sad that I know this, but actually the national age of consent in Japan is 13. However every municipality has various laws that raise it depending on where you are- effectively meaning the entire country's age of consent higher.\


Like Dachshunds, Corgis are another dog with lowered suspension. They're super-cute, but put me in mind of a sawed-off German Shepherd. My sincere thanks for ending the Nazi-in-My-Back-Yard episode by evoking images of adorable critters.


Yup--the national age is 13 (because it's a hold-over from super old school laws), but every prefecture, city and special-designation ward has a higher age. It's just way easier to amend local and prefecture-level laws than national laws.

Adopt a homeless pet and oppose declawing and ear docking!

Hey! Sorry to be that person, but I work in a shelter around dogs of all breeds and docked/undocked status, and your statements are not backed up by evidence. Floppy-eared dogs are perfectly capable of tracking sounds with their ears exactly as well as cropped dogs, they don't get infections more often, and if you're not the sort of low-life that fights dogs, their ears pose no liability to their health. It is a 100% cosmetic procedure, but it's untrue to say that it has no detrimental effects. Any surgery causes pain and introduces the possibility of infection, especially in an organ as delicate as the ear, so you'd better have a darn good reason for performing one. Which brings me to my second point: spaying/neutering has thoroughly proven health benefits for the animal, including a decreased risk of cancer, decreased risk of running off and getting hurt, decreased risk of contracting diseases from their sexual partners, decreased contribution to pet overpopulation, and decreased behavioral problems like aggression and marking. The benefits of S/N surgery far outweigh the risks, and it's not at all comparable to cosmetic surgeries like docking or cropping. And as a final point, continuing the presence practice of ear docking and tail cropping encourages the assumption that that's how those dogs *should* look, which can cause people to take matters into their own hands. I've seen half a dozen dogs at my shelter this year whose ears were cropped using kitchen shears because, "I thought it was just what you were supposed to do." Two of those dogs lost their hearing due to subsequent chronic infections. Even if a professionally-performed version had no downsides at all, this effect on public perception alone would make me oppose it. But, because we're all skeptics here, don't take my word for it! Here's a licensed vet confirming the same things to get the research train started: <a href="http://healthypets.mercola.com/sites/healthypets/archive/2010/01/27/is-tail-docking-and-ear-cropping-harmful-to-dogs.aspx" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://healthypets.mercola.com/sites/healthypets/archive/2010/01/27/is-tail-docking-and-ear-cropping-harmful-to-dogs.aspx</a> If you oppose circumcision because it's unnecessary and has an ultimately negative effect on men's lives, I'd argue that that's a useful comparison for the effect these surgeries have on dogs.

Reynold Hall

If the "South" is so intent on keeping their "heritage" through flags and statues, even though they lost the civil war, then why not have the English flag flying throughout the States? (or at least within the former 13 colonies). After all, even though the British lost the Revolutionary war, they are still part of the U.S. heritage!

Aya Sakurai

I didn't know the English word "fanny." I had heard about fanny packs but never bothered to check the definition of the word itself. I saw it in the description of this episode, looked it up on urban dictionary, saw the Trump pics and now I can't unsee it. THANK YOU VERY MUCH