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Cecil, you're coming to New Zealand, yeah? Do you have any plans for Wellington yet?

Bad Medicine

I hate to be 'that person' (not really, though), but, even listening in the car, I was pretty sure I knew what video was being referred to with the whole 'hawk drops snake on people'. It's CGI. I have a wildlife degree/job and am a photographer, so, I'm the person that friends and family send 'suspect' and """amazing""" animal stories and videos and pictures to. I think I've had this one linked to me like 4 times. I fucking love your show, I just had to get that out, because I knew it would bug me forever if I didn't.

Daniel Giddings

I'm curious about the comment about the enormous cost of adoption in the US. Are you referring to costs involved by Children's Aid in caring for the kids while they're in foster homes, or do adoptive parents have to pay for the process? In Canada, public adoptions through CAS (Children's Aid Society) cost absolutely nothing. My husband and I are so fortunate to now have two amazing little boys, and incurred no out-of-pocket expenses to do so. In essence, finding forever homes for these kids lessens CAS' financial responsibilities. So thankful I live in the best country in the world 🇨🇦


Never ceases to amaze me the mental gymnastics required to believe that when "innocents" die it's a blessing because they could have been the next hitler or patient zero, and god is "saving" them and us. But when real Hitlers and other bad shit happens, it's about free will and letting humans make mistakes. I guess some people are allowed free will to kill millions, and some are so bad god has to take them with debilitating painful disease before they can even formulate evil intentions.