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Gay couple sues over 'satan' themed wedding pamphlets [Video]

Grandparents of shackled children say 'God called on' parents to have so many kids'

13 siblings ages 2 to 29 'held captive' by parents, some shackled, officials say - ABC News

She forced a crucifix down her 'possessed' daughter's throat. Now, she's convicted of murder. - The Washington Post

Study: 42 percent of Republicans believe accurate — but negative — stories qualify as ‘fake news’ - The Washington Post

If it Quacks Like a Duck - Oscillococcinum | Bad Science Debunked

wusa9.com | 'Dehumanizing:' Pastor denounces Trump's remarks during service attended by VP Pence

Sandy Rios: Liberals In Hawaii May Have Orchestrated False Missile Alert | Right Wing Watch

Alex Jones: Media Will Soon Claim Trump Rapes And Eats Haitian Babies | Right Wing Watch


Britt Hermes is a former naturopath who now campaigns against naturopathic practices. She's recently been taken to court in Germany by US-based naturopath ‘Dr’ Colleen Huber in a defamation lawsuit.

Australian Skeptics Inc is managing a fundraising campaign to assist Britt in her current legal action.

Please consider contributing to the Skeptic Law fund for Britt Hermes


"Smells Like Teen Spirit" by Nirvana Re-Mixed in a Major Key

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That's not your Lawn Tiger

About the Nirvana link: Major and/or Minor key...there are an awful lot of those' re-tunes of popular songs in a close opposite key. My favorite is split between: Pink Floyd - Another Brick in the Wall. And The Animals: - House of the Rising Sun.

Sean Oakley

:V is the universal sign for a duck face. pls.

Evidence Monkey

Bad midget movies, eh? Give "The Terror of Tiny Town" a watch. It's an all midget cast (Jed Buell's midgets in fact; he owns 'em!) in a singing western. If you don't pee just a little the first time the midget cowboy dismounts his Shetland pony and walks *under* the swinging bar doors, you're dead inside. Link: <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pehsws6QYEo" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pehsws6QYEo</a>