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Stories from the week

Turpin family: Aunts of 13 captive children reveal years of secrecy and concerns - CNN

Flat-earth rocket pilot on February launch: I expect 'more viewers than the Super Bowl' | PhillyVoice

Call for age limit after chiropractor breaks baby's neck

Texas Judge Jack Robison says God told him to speak up for defendant  

‘I hung up the phone and Hillary collapsed’: Self-styled Trump ‘prophet’ says his prayers mowed down Clinton

Psychic paid $3.5 million from elderly woman for exorcisms gets prison for evading US taxes

Alex Jones Goes On Profanity-Laced Rant About CNN Anchors Saying 'Shithole' | Right Wing Watch

 Michigan pastor only gets 60 days after he's busted trying to hook up with 11-year-old in Craigslist sex sting

Trump Administration Will Shield Health Workers Citing Religion To Refuse Care : Shots - Health News : NPR


"AHH!" - Alex Jones REMIX - YouTube

Mary Poppins Sings Death Metal - YouTube




Gothic Alice

Re: HHS Religous Freedom exemption - This may actually a bit more insidious than you mentioned on the show. As one article put it "This is the use of religion to hurt people because you disapprove of who they are," said Harper Jean Tobin of the National Center for Transgender Equality. "Any rule that grants a license to discriminate would be a disgrace and a mockery of the principal of religious freedom we all cherish." (<a href="https://www.politico.com/story/2018/01/16/conscience-abortion-transgender-patients-health-care-289542)." rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.politico.com/story/2018/01/16/conscience-abortion-transgender-patients-health-care-289542).</a> LGBT rights were even mentioned in your original article. This after a 2015 case where a pediatrician legally refused to help the child of a lesbian couple (<a href="https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2015/02/18/doctor-discrimination-baby/23642091/)" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2015/02/18/doctor-discrimination-baby/23642091/)</a> shows that this will likely be used to allow people to discriminate against the LGBT community and also could be used to refuse any heath services to a woman who had had an abortion before, among other religious limitations that we can’t even begin to limit (racial, gender, or religous discrimination), especially if the care were to someone who the hospital might consider too expensive but couldn’t otherwise turn away (in the case of Medicaid, for instance). This is especially dangerous in rural areas where it would cause unserviced people to have to travel long distances to get necessary care.

Big black cockatoo

I need an Alex Jones livestream patron only!