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Stories from the week

Alex Jones Accused of Sexual Harassment, Bullying at InfoWars - The Daily Beast

Former Infowars employees claim Alex Jones harassed them | Daily Mail Online

Prophets Gather At Trump's Washington Hotel To Unleash Angel Armies On His Deep State Enemies | Right Wing Watch

Former Third-Level Illuminati Witch Predicts The End Times Will Begin In 2032, Once President Pence Leaves Office | Right Wing Watch

Holocaust Denier Will Be GOP Nominee In Congress Race – The Forward

Paul Begley: Obama Is Leading An Illuminati Plot To Assassinate Trump | Right Wing Watch

It's not okay how clueless Donald Trump is about climate change | Dana Nuccitelli | Environment | The Guardian

Far-Right Radio Host Claims Barack Obama Is Forming A Private Army To Assassinate Government Leaders | Right Wing Watch

How God Intervened To Stop Hillary Clinton And Satan From Killing 90 Percent Of Humanity | Right Wing Watch

Wall In a can - YouTube

Which Mammals Don't Get Arthritis (and why) - YouTube

TUNAK TUNAK TUN METAL | Bonde do Metaleiro & Bloodywood - YouTube

Christian Blasphemy Suspect in Pakistan Jumps from Building

‘Pro-lifers’ who’d execute women & popes who hate ‘fake news’

Married Youth Pastor Sexually Abused 14-Year-Old Girl (and His Church Hid It) – Friendly Atheist




Wow, that was a really weird coincidence. Just when Tom started asking “ why would they bother going to trumps hotel?”, I thought to myself, “yeah why not just go to Arby’s?” And then immediately after, Tom said the same thing. I just think it was a fun coincidence

Joseph Kubal

With regards to getting the signatures, look at the 3 people that they mentioned signed it..... All over 80. They may have not understood what they were signing or remember actually signing it.


Oh of course, I never realized this about myself

Reynold Hall

You've been listening to their podcasts for too long! It's too late to run now.... ;(

Kernan Coleman

Tunak Tunak Tun and Bonde do Metaleiro have made me love death metal, or reincarnation metal, or whatever the fuck their unholy, awesome mishmash of mouth and guitar sounds is. Thanks for that.