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Far-Right Radio Host Claims Barack Obama Is Forming A Private Army To Assassinate Government Leaders | Right Wing Watch

National Geographic Just Sent Me a Crystal Healing Water Bottle [Updated]

Thank you to David Silverman for being on the show!

President of American Atheists, Author of Fighting God, Creator & Chair of the 2012 Reason Rally.

David Silverman Twitter

American Atheists 2018 National Convention




Cognitive Dissonance Episode: 404 Religion not found.


I'm kind of upset your guest used a good portion of time using an old example against Carl.

Yaro Kasear

I have to disagree with David Silverman. Not all atheists are necessarily freethinkers or humanists. They are not synonyms.

Kernan Coleman

I can hear them now "Listen! The jungle drums. They've . . . stopped! Barry's army is on the move!"

Kernan Coleman

Ooh, Nat Geo did respond . . . "Clearly you missed the entire point of the kit, which is really disappointing. We were sending you an entertaining mailer to grab your attention for what I believe will arguably be one of the best science television series produced in recent years, from the creative minds of Darren Aronofsky and Nutopia. The water bottle was just meant to be a clever and harmless representation of some of the themes of the show, and nothing more. Sure, the accompanying guide might read a little silly to some – but I think you are missing the point. It’s a glass water bottle – a great alternative to using plastic! Really no need to be so literal." This just tells me that there were no adults in the room when the decision was made to send out such a stupid, expensive promo.


<a href="https://i.redd.it/upevjurkrll01.jpg" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://i.redd.it/upevjurkrll01.jpg</a>