Episode 425: No Colusion [sic] (Patreon)
Stories from the Week
Would It or Wouldn’t It Be Russia: Trump Goes Double Negative - The New York Times
Opinion | Trump, Treasonous Traitor - The New York Times
- Outrage erupts over Trump-Putin ‘conversation’ about letting Russia interrogate ex-U.S. diplomat Michael McFaul - The Washington Post
- He’s Always Known: Trump Was Told In Jan 2017 That Putin Was Behind Attacks – Talking Points Memo
- Mueller probe: 12 Russians indicted for DNC hack - CNNPolitics
Gay men, adulterers publicly flogged in Aceh, Indonesia - CNN
The Bloodstains On The Shroud Of Turin Are Probably Fake, Say Forensic Experts
Idaho man abused kids, woman knew about it, charges claim | Idaho Statesman
Police: Church Official Stole More Than $125K « CBS Miami
From email:
You Can’t Unsee Donald Trump in Spam Form - Eater
Walgreens pharmacist refuses to fill prescription for a miscarriage - CNN
Tysonism - Space Force Song | Facebook
Batman Movie 1966 "Sea for Catwoman" - YouTube