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Stories from the Week

Would It or Wouldn’t It Be Russia: Trump Goes Double Negative - The New York Times

Opinion | Trump, Treasonous Traitor - The New York Times

Gay men, adulterers publicly flogged in Aceh, Indonesia - CNN

The Bloodstains On The Shroud Of Turin Are Probably Fake, Say Forensic Experts

Idaho man abused kids, woman knew about it, charges claim | Idaho Statesman

Police: Church Official Stole More Than $125K « CBS Miami

Liz Crokin: Trump Confirmed The Existence Of A Video Showing Hilary Clinton Torturing A Child | Right Wing Watch

From email:

You Can’t Unsee Donald Trump in Spam Form - Eater

Walgreens pharmacist refuses to fill prescription for a miscarriage - CNN

Tysonism - Space Force Song | Facebook

Batman Movie 1966 "Sea for Catwoman" - YouTube

Rappin' for Jesus - YouTube



Mark Siefert

Re: “Hypocrisy” I’ve got to disagree with your assessment how the Left and Right treat the topic of hypocrisy. When I listen to conservatives talk these days, the only thing I hear about these days is the alleged hypocrisy of liberals and Democrats on every issue. e.g. “Oh! You liberals are upset about those illegal immigrant brats being put in cages, BUT YOU DON’T A PEEP ABOUT ALL THE BABIES BEING ABORTED.” “You SJWs get upset about ‘hate speech’ and ‘discrimiation’ against minorities and gays, BUT YOU DON”T SAY ANYTHING ABOUT THE HATRED THAT CHRISTIAN AMERICANS FACE! “You Democrats get upset about Strormy Daniels, WHAT ABOUT MONICA LEWSINKI?” “You Ieftists want to tax the rich, BUT YOU WON’T AGREE TO RAISE YOUR OWN TAXES!” (Emphasis mine.)


Hi, I'm a new listener and new pattern supporter. Sure, you'll record a ringtone for me, but who gets to do the tech support helping me to get it to actually work on my phone, using my not-always-tech-friendly brain? But I'm game, 2 months at $5 a show, then I'll match my Scathing Atheist pledge of $2 per episode after that. Can we keep it clean? :)


First of all it's Gummi Berry Juice. Second you don't get it fromt he bears, the Gummi Bears grow and harvest the Gummi Berrys and then process them into the Gummi Berry Juice. More importantly, is there a link to the Muslim call to prayer that gets used on the show?


Found it! <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HrF4IriUwdk" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HrF4IriUwdk</a> Muslim call to prayer! Have fun kids!