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Stories from the Week

‘Atheist PM’ to blame for deadly fires, says Greek bishop | News | ekathimerini.com

Utah man is accused of stabbing to death his 10-month-old son | Daily Mail Online

UPDATE: White House Fixes Omission in Trump/Putin Transcript | Law & Crime

The latest Trump scandal would have destroyed any other president | Jonathan Freedland | Opinion | The Guardian

Rick Wiles: We're 72 Hours Away From A Coup During Which Trump Will Be Decapitated On The White House Lawn | Right Wing Watch

Infowars: Deep State Trump Assassins Will Use 'Internet Kill Switch' In Cover-up | Right Wing Watch

Jim Bakker: A Packet Of My Coffee Will Get You A New Car When The End Times Come | Right Wing Watch

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Mark Siefert

My ultra-Republican father STILL rants and raves about the “moral depravity”of Bill Clinton and his affair with Monica Lewinsky. However, when anyone brings up Trump’s affairs, he uses Clinton or Weiner or Franken as an excuse. Since some Democrats sexually exploited women, we can never bring up any Republican’s indiscretions... ever.

Mark Siefert

I fucking wish we we’re 72 hours away from a revolution/coup/Trump decapitation, because that’s probably the only way to remove that boil from power. However, Rick Wiles has nothing to worry about. The American Left is so toothless and enamoured with nonviolence (even when the pigs are curb stomping them) they think waving a sign at the NYSE counts as a revolutionary act.

Sarah Fullerton

Babylonized: I think that's having to speak multiple languages. Like Spanish. Jesus didn't speak no Spanish.

Ryan Parker

Joe vs. The Volcano

I'm not a tall man, but I am a disaster

I work in the financial sector. Every day I am confronted with situations that butt up against my ethical standards. You know what I do? My fucking job! The door is always right there.

Kernan Coleman

That "lady screaming" in the call to prayer with a latin swing, was the incomparably awesome and weird Yma Sumac.


When doctors, firefighters, and the like decide to selectively hold back on their services, we are all screwed. There's a Facebook meme showing what checking out at the grocery store would look like if we all refused service to people who don't hold the same moral standards as we do ("I won't sell you those condoms but you could go to lane 3, oh no you can't buy alcohol in his line maybe try line 5, oh wait..."