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Stories from the Week

The Day Donald Trump Told Us There Was Attempted Collusion with Russia | The New Yorker

Fox News Thinks Trump Shouldn't Talk to Mueller Because He's Not Allowed to Even "Tell One Lie" | GQ

Why Infowars’ Alex Jones was banned from Apple, Facebook, Youtube and Spotify | PolitiFact

Kevin Swanson: ‘God Is Burning Down California’ As Punishment For Legitimizing Homosexuality

Obama Made Tech Companies Ditch Alex Jones, Says Rick Wiles | Right Wing Watch

'Translated By Faith': Rick Joyner's Tale Of Teleportation | Right Wing Watch

An Indian priest smashes COCONUTS on these worshippers heads – ouch! 😲😱 

Scathing Atheist

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Citation Needed

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God Awful Movies

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Mark Siefert

By not impeaching Trump, we are letting him go unpunished for his crimes. The minute we start being afraid of what the redneck shits will do if we imprison their figurehead, then they’ve won. Besides, Pence is probably already in charge of most government functions. The Republicans are evil, but they aren’t stupid enough to give Trump any actual power.

Mark Siefert

Rampaging Right-Wingers is the is reason we Lefties should not be so quick to embrace gun control and pacifism. You can’t overthrow the capitalist system with harsh language. You will need to kill some Redneck trash.


There were recognized same-sex couples in mining towns throughout the West, along with all men's dances (on account of the lack of ladies in mining towns). The history of homosexuality on the frontier, in mining communities and among cowboys is FAN-TASTIC.