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Stories from the Week

Rodney Howard-Browne: Ruth Bader Ginsburg Should be Shot for Treason | Right Wing Watch

Trump Says He's a 'Nationalist,' The Far-Right Cheers | Right Wing Watch

Bible Museum admits some of its Dead Sea Scrolls are fake

Neo-Nazi Website Targets Andrew Gillum with Florida Robocall | Right Wing Watch

When Trump Phones Friends, the Chinese and the Russians Listen and Learn - The New York Times

Todd Starnes: Treat Immigrant Caravan like 'Invading Force' Committing 'Act of War' | Right Wing Watch

‘Transgender’ Could Be Defined Out of Existence Under Trump Administration - The New York Times





Deanna T.

I canvassed today for the first time! I was very surprised at the number of people who didn't know when or where to vote early, hadn't planned to vote, or hadn't thought about it. I did feel like it made an impact.


I voted early, and advertised that as much as I could last week. The polls don't look good for turning the Senate. The House may be possible. But the Presidential office, Congress, and Supreme Court are not going to change significantly, that's my suspicion. I hope it turns out better.


I'm in Arizona, and last year I didn't think I mailed my early ballot on time, so I went in and cast a provisional ballot. I received a letter explaining that it was not counted since my mail-in ballot had arrived on time and was instead counted. It was nice to know for sure that one or the other was, indeed, processed.

The Gray Hunter

An invading force??? Do you think they think the poor people in the caravan are as armed as your typical Trumpster trailer trash? And y’know, I’m sick of my tax dollars going to corporations that make tons of profits, churches that make tons of profits, a bloated military and Congress’ pensions.