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Thank you to Alison Gill from atheists.org for joining us today! To find out more head over to https://www.atheists.org/2020/05/reality-check-being-nonreligious-in-america/



Stories from the Week

Ohioan, 50, Arrested After Calling 911 To Report That Her Pussy Was Ablaze

SEE IT: Kentucky woman cuts hole in mask to make it ‘easier to breathe’

Naked Man, Woman Caught Running Through Tulsa Mall, Police Say

Man wears KKK hood while grocery shopping in California

Woman killed by alligator while doing homeowner's nails

For patrons eyes only!!




I just want to provide a teensy bit more context on the Columbia, SC alligator pedicure story. My wife is a nail tech here in SC. At home services like that aren't allowed under SC licensing regulations because of the lack of proper sanitization. Of course, that's like saying you can't shoot someone on 5th Ave. The only thing stopping you is actual enforcement of the law.


Maybe everyone who wants to keep a beard should get one of these https://www.thigmbh.at/products/vivi/

Jammin Jesse Buckner

Ha! Alex "Man Boobs" Jones! #Moobs #Moobies #Manaries ✌💚🎸💨