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Christian website: Don’t look at your wife’s face during sex to enjoy it even when she resists

Christian marriage advisor: Use ‘fear and dread’ to control your wife — as God intended

Creationist Ken Ham’s bizarre ‘rebuttal’ of Bill Nye: Climate change ‘alarmists’ could push for mass killings

Ken Ham Worries That If We Allow Gay Marriage People Will Just Stop Wearing Clothes

Pat Robertson: Husband Should Make Financial Decisions Because 'God Has Made You The High Priest Of The Family'

Michael Savage: Obama Acting Like Hitler, But Attacking White Men

Linda Harvey: Halloween Hands Kids Over To Satan On A Silver Platter

Amish man sues to buy firearm without photo ID in gun rights, religious freedom lawsuit

Russian Orthodox Official Warns Eating Potato Chips Is 'Sinful'

PHOTO: An Orthodox bishop blesses Russian missiles for airstrikes in Syria

Barton: Teach Riflery In Public Schools To Eliminate Gun Violence And Accidents

Bryan Fischer: Obama Letting UN Impose Sharia Law On US Cities



The Magic Tapeworm

Hey, if you're taking suggestions for patrons-only shows, how about bring back a patron-only edition of Everyone's a Critic? I love your podcasts but miss the movie reviews!

Tom Hail

Yes, to bob for an apple you have to go all in. Pin it against the side of the tub and bite into it, which means no pansy "I can't get my hair wet" mouthing of the floaters. I've done it and only because I was first in line.

Colin Maclaughlin

Of course the antidote to Sharia law is for America to embrace gay rights, feminism, and the separation of church and state. Funny that the obvious solution never occurs to the Bryan Fischer types.