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So patrons, any suggestions? We've had one that we bring back everyone's a critic for a patreon only show. We can do a "call in" type show when we read your responses to a question or some such. We can also collect stories from the audience - possibly ones we don't normally cover. We are open to other suggestions of course. 



This would be a bit more work, (well, not for Tom) but you could do an unlisted GoogleHangout and we could call in and shoot the shit etc. Then have that video as an episode. If not a regular, but heavily intoxicated episode would be amazing.

Dan Richards

How about a show where you take crazy religious stories or tv clips and make a bunch of jokes about how nutty they are? That would be a good show.

Dan Richards

Ok, seriously. How about a show where you tackle a single woo topic, ie-homeopathy and review 4-5 articles on the one topic exploring various aspects of it. Every quarter you can do a different one.

ava fox

This sounds like it could be very entertaining

Squergy Blerperson

Do you guys ever get hate mail or messages from apologists, angry Christians, people with stupidism, etc, that you decide is too terrible or pointless to make the feedback segment? I would definitely like to hear some of those if they exist.

Robert Miller

I think you guys should do an entire Bryan Fischer show

Louis Sbardella

I want a bumper sticker.. is there a store?


A Vintage-version of Cognitive Dissonance. Look up clips religious crazies on YouTube and stuff from the 80s and comment on them. Like this for instance <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hnjdq32u-MU" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hnjdq32u-MU</a>

Eric Denton

Listener deconversions stories are usually pretty entertaining. Maybe your spouses could do a guess spot so they can run some smack about having to put up with you two. Perform "radio drama" versions of classic sitcom scripts. Also, more singing

Chubby Bunny

I like the 'everyone's a critic' idea, and I really want you to do careful, critical analyses of movies that are decidedly not meant for that sort of thing. Episode 1: Kung Fury.

The Magic Tapeworm

For those who have not yet listened to Everyone's a Critic, I highly recommend it (available at the dissonancepod site). Insightful and funny reviews of numerous movies, along with discussions of current events (sort of an origin story for Cog Dis). I was sad to see them go away, and would love to have them back, even if less frequently.

Kevin Clemons

Death metal scatting for a full hour. Or, (more seriously) a show dedicated to all things whiskey, scotch and bourbon.


Do "thinking reasonably skeptically", get those wacky interviewees Marsh gets.


This might be funny along with a scotch/bourbon infusion.... Do I need to send the alcohol?


Just an idea, because I love the hillbilly god stuff- have a mad lib show with hillbilly god. Maybe even make a mad lib from an apologist rant on youtube.


I've always liked the call in type shows. Maybe come up with some topics and have people call in funny stories or such, which you can then rip the piss out off?

Corky Frausto

More of the same I am always disappointed when the show end. Reconversion stories, woo stories, guests that cuss.

Dr. H

Talk about stuff that's too "off topic" or offbeat or off-color or whatever for the regular show.

Lisa Mallette

Ugh, no Mad Libs, please. It's like watching someone play a video game.

Lisa Mallette

I ADORE movie reviews, especially when the movie is really bad. Like this idea!

Lisa Mallette

Whatever you decide, it needs to sound so incredibly fucking awesome that it will suck in those who think the best stuff is free.

matthew kidson

Yes, bring back EAC, so I can tell Tom to " Eat a bag of blue dicks" after his Watchmen review.

Dave F

If you end up doing Everyone's a critic, I think it need to be more along the lines of your usual podcasts. Lots of swearing, taking the piss and inane laughter. It's what we all tune in for each week. Your early EAC podcasts were way too serious.

Matthew Martindale

Drunk episode! Drunk episode! Drunk episode! Somehow slip some video games chat in too? You guys often make references that sound like you are gamers!


I never listened to Everyone's a Critic, so I don't know how that'd be, but I love the other suggestions. I am good for those. I REALLY like the idea of a call-in show, and actively dislike the drunken episode. I find it hard to imagine you guys would be funnier drunk, though I imagine you'd be harder to understand.

Amanda McGuirt

It's hilarious when you guys play video and make fun of it, talking over the video as it's playing. Do a show of stupid religious videos.


Include video clips of your reactions to the articles. Watching you guys burst into uncontrollable fits of laughter will probably be 10x funnier than just hearing it.


Do what you guys want. Your being entertained is most of the reason I'm entertained. If you don't want to do anyone's suggestion please don't, it will ruin the atmosphere of the show.

Dr. H

Indulge yourselves by covering off-topic topics.

Marcus Lemoncelli

What about animal noises? 60 riveting minutes of you two making animal noises.... So not really anything different than what you're already doing.


A lot of the other suggestions are great, so I'll say what I don't want. Some forced gimmicky episode. Above all else, I want to hear your hilarious reactions to some crazy shit.

Robert Rowe

Maybe a show about all the crazy crap that the presidential candidates are saying. That could really funny.

Cognitive Dissonance Podcast

For our second patron only show I think we will do a movie - Probably a twilgiht-esque one. We'll figure that out later but there seems to be a lot of people who would like us to watch a terrible film. For this next one we will be getting together on Sunday of this week at Gloryhole studios and recording something. We have a plan to do some off-beat type stories that we might not be able to talk about on the regular show because they don't fit the theme. It is also possible that we can do a bit of an "e-mail" type section at the end. So if you send us email and want us to read it on that show make sure to mention you are a patron. If we don't get a lot might skip it, but if people have email questions or comments and there are enough of them we will read and cover them.

Cognitive Dissonance Podcast

Not really. People that hate our ideology are normally turned off by the language. We get a nasty email every half a year or so from someone, but no enough worth noting. We did get our first ever bad itunes review from someone who likes Glenn Beck though, super excited about that!

Cognitive Dissonance Podcast

We do try to edit the mad libs to they go by quicker. But I see what you mean, if they aren't going by quick it might get boring. We haven't done one in a while. I guess we just got tired of saying "garbage juice."

Cognitive Dissonance Podcast

We are recording this one in the morning so I doubt it will be a drunk episode, but these are great suggestions for later. IF we do a movie review it should be a drunk viewing and then a drunk episode.


Congratulations to two of my favorite podcasters! Thank you so much for all you do, Cecil and Tom.

Chubby Bunny

So that excludes "so bad its good?" If it doesn't, Flash Gordon. If it does, any episode of the new Supergirl. Just recommendations, of course. There'll be no rage quittin from me.

Fine, I'll give...

Fine... I'll give... my opinion. You, "sirs", make my week. Thank you.

Marcus Lemoncelli

A response to which I feel slighted, respectfully. What kind of savages respond to sarcasm with logic; barbaric. I blame myself for not clarifying. What I was referring to specifically are the noises erupting from tom's gullet between sentences. You know, the ones that sound like my cat trying to stand up when she's speed balling on catnip and little pieces of cheese. No? Listen to the next show in a dark room through noise cancelling headphones on full blast as per what should be protocol. You'll hear it.

Sam Gyseman

I listened to them all. I watched quite a few of the films. I revelled in Tom and Cecil's suffering at LotR and marvelled at their endurance through Star Wars. I listen to some pretty serious film reviews and these ones are still my favourites.