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From our livestream Thursday July 7th 2020 



Üter Zörker

Hi from Switzerland. 10Gb/s up and 10Gb/s down fiber internet for ~$50USD/mo. Fuck comcast.

Patrick Carr

It doesn’t matter how much Trumps suits cost. On him they all look like they were off the rack, $49.95 at the Big and Tall shop.

Mara S.

A possum wrapped in a garbage bag looks better than Trump does in a designer suit.

Üter Zörker

@Phil- not enough yet, waiting on a 10Gb adapter for my makeshift NAS :-) Looking forward to pushing the limits!

Philomena (Mina)

nice. I'd be really curious how that works out. They are doing some hardcore over-selling of bandwidth for that offer. if you remember, let me know! heller.barde@gmail.com