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Stories from the Week

Billionaire Bill Gross accused of blaring 'Gilligan's Island' theme song on loop at his neighbor

Costco drops Chaokoh coconut milk over allegations of forced monkey labor, PETA says

Woman accused of impersonating prosecutor, dropping criminal charges against herself

Man Plummets Into Sinkhole As He Waits For Bus, Finds Horror Below

Florida deputy performs exorcism on child, instructs another to shoot intruders



Richard Stifle

Speaking of voter turnout and non-voters voting this year, my grandmother, who is 91, born before women got the vote, and has not voted since the 1980s, voted at my families urging (absentee ballot of course). Her rational for not voting for the longest time was “it’s time for the younger generations to get their voice in, I’m comfortable.”

Stephanie Groth

Tom was an asshole as a child...jesus! Haha

Dean A. Batha

"The billionaire and his wife..."