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Scott Seligman

This is how you apologize, by changing history? I'm out.

Cognitive Dissonance Podcast

We felt that the content was, on reflection, inappropriate, and we removed it rather than continue to offer it. I am sorry if it came across differently.

Jay Owens

I'll have to just listen to the Original that downloaded from the first time it was posted I guess to get inappropriate content, always love inappropriate.


Dude, really? You have heard the show before, right? :)

Graham Nealon

I managed to get to listen to the original. No idea what was classed as later inappropriate based on what I heard. But it's their platform so they get to make the decisions on what gets published. If only others could understand that concept.

Brian Frank

Scott, lighten up princess. We've all said something we regretted later, we've all made a joke in poor taste.